生活大爆炸第八季 第85期:葡萄柚(在线收听

 It was like a grapefruit. 肿得像个葡萄柚。

And I'm sure he knew that before you held a grapefruit up next to it. 人家自己心里知道,不需要你拿个葡萄柚去他脖子旁比较。
Well, I'm not making any promises. Not only did Leonard take what I feel is an unnecessary risk, he deceived me. 我可不敢保证什么。莱纳德不仅做了我认为无用的危险之事,他还欺骗了我。
Okay, the reason he deceived you is you were being a pain in the ass. 他欺骗你是因为你让人蛋疼。
The reason I was being a pain in the B is because I was worried about him, and no one else was. 我会这么烦人是因为我担心他,而你们都不担心。
Really? You won't even say "A"? -You bet your sweet B I won't. 不是吧,"蛋"疼你都说不出口?-打死我都不说这词。
Obviously, I care about Leonard. I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with him. 我当然关心莱纳德。我会和他一起度过余生呢。
And I'm not? 我就不会吗?
It's an earthquake. I knew it. 是地震。我就知道。
Sheldon, it was just a little tremor. 谢尔顿,只是小小的震动。
A little tremor that turns routine sinus surgery into a frontal lobotomy. 小小的震动就会把普通的鼻窦手术变成危险的额叶切除手术。
Oh, I don't care for this at all. Oh, I need to see he's okay. 我才不管什么地震呢,我要去看看他怎么样了。
Sheldon, you can't go back there. -Try and stop me! 谢尔顿,你不能进去。-来啊,拦着我啊!
Are you okay? 你没事吧?
Why didn't you stop me? ! 为什么不拦着我?!我能跟你说点事吗?
Can I tell you something? This whole thing with Raj's parents just got me a little worried about us. 拉杰父母的事情让我有点担心我们。
What are you talking about? We're fine. And Raj's parents probably split up because of Raj. 你说什么呢?我们很好啊。拉杰父母会分手有可能是因为拉杰。
What? ! 什么?!
They always say the children aren't to blame, but...Come on. 人们总说不该怪孩子,但是...这人啊。
I'm not joking, Howie. You heard what he said about his parents. It was the little things they kept bottled up. I don't want that to happen to us. 我不是开玩笑,华仔。你也听到了他说的他父母的事情。都是些小事,积压久了便爆发。我可不想我们变成那样。
How can I convince you it won't? 你怎么才肯相信我们不会?
Well, is there anything about me you're keeping inside? 你对我有什么意见没有说出来的吗?
I'm not answering that. It's a trap. 我不会回答的。这是个陷阱。