生活大爆炸第八季 第86期:伴侣心理治疗(在线收听

 So there are things you don't like. 就是说你对我有意见。

And here I am in the trap. You just keep talking. I'm gonna chew my leg off. 我已经踩进陷阱夹里了。你继续说,我要啃断腿来逃生了。
Just tell me one thing that bothers you, and I promise I won't get mad. 就告诉我一件你不满意的事,我保证不生气。
Okay. The truth is...sometimes...you're too...beautiful. 好吧。事实上有时候...你太过...美丽。
Howie, be serious. 华仔,严肃点。
Okay, okay. I really don't like how your wings poke me when we sleep 'cause you're an angel. 好吧,好吧。我实在不喜欢睡觉时被你的翅膀戳醒,因为你是坠落凡间的天使。
Okay, fine, maybe it was a bad idea. 好吧,也许这个提议不怎么样。
I just don't think the secret to a happy marriage is going out of our way to criticize each other.  我只是不觉得幸福婚姻的秘诀是互相批评对方。
Although, there are ways to improve our communication. 不过,要加强沟通的方法很多。
One thing I learned when I was in couples therapy was...-Who were you in couples therapy with? 我曾经在伴侣心理治疗那里学到过...-你和谁一起去的伴侣心理治疗?
Not important. 这不重要。
Was it your mom? - Not important. 是和你妈吗?-这不重要。
It was your mom. 所以是和你妈了。
Anyway, the therapist had us tell each other what we loved about one another. 总之,治疗师让我们互相倾诉喜欢对方的哪一点。
Oh, that's so sweet! I want to do that. 这方法好贴心!我想试试这个。
All right. 好啊。
Okay, um...I love that you make me laugh. 那么...我喜欢你能逗我开心。
Thank you. And I love that you're strong and independent. 谢谢。我喜欢你自强又自立。
And yet, I still love when you hold a door for me. 但我也喜欢你会帮我撑着门。
I love that I'm kind of a slob around here, and...you're okay with that. 我喜欢我在家里好吃懒做...你却毫不介意。
Uh-huh. And I love that I work and do all the cleaning, and you're okay with that. 呵呵。我喜欢我又得工作又得做家务你却毫不介意。
See, I am. Isn't this great? 我还真不介意。这方法好极了对不对?