生活大爆炸第八季 第87期:圣诞卡(在线收听

 Come on, smile. This is gonna be my Christmas card. 快点,笑一个。我要用这照片当今年的圣诞卡。

You know this is all your fault. 这都是你的错。
How is it my fault? 怎么是我的错?
I told you not to get the surgery. 我告诉你别去做手术了。
Okay, first of all, the surgery was a success, and secondly, I didn't even want you there. 首先,手术非常成功。其次,我根本不想要你去。
I don't know which hurts worse-- my nose or my heart. Well, I'm done speaking to you. 我不知道哪里更痛,我的鼻子还是我的心。够了,我不想跟你说话了。
Don't be like that. You two need to talk this out. 别这样。你们俩必须谈清楚。
Yeah, 'cause you sound really funny. 没错,因为你俩声音太搞笑了。
Sheldon, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the surgery, but you were worried about nothing. 谢尔顿,我为没告诉你手术的事道歉,但你根本是瞎操心。
Oh, you're hardly out of the woods, no.  你别以为自己脱离险境了。
You still run the risk of infection, a blood clot, the possibility that an inattentive surgeon let a barn spider lay eggs in your nose.  你还有可能手术感染,出现血栓,还有手术疏忽使得蜘蛛爬进你的鼻子产卵的风险。
The minute you sneeze web, I'm moving out. 你只要擤出蜘蛛网来,我立马就搬家。
I never thought I'd say these words, but come on, nose spider! 我从没想过自己会说这些话,拜托你快来吧,鼻蜘蛛!
Who are you kidding? You were so panicked Leonard was gonna die, you'll never leave him. 别开玩笑了。你多害怕莱纳德会死啊,你永远离不开他的。
Sheldon will move out eventually. 谢尔顿终究会搬出去的。
Yeah, once he figures out how to work a door. 没错,等他学会如何开门以后。
I was not panicked, and I am not overly attached to Leonard. 我没有害怕,我也不依赖莱纳德。
You were so worried that you smashed your face trying to check on me. You love me. 你担心得不顾自己破相都要进来看我。你是爱我滴。
Yeah. Tell me those aren't the words of a man with a spider eating its way through his brain.  你们说这人是不是脑子被蜘蛛啃了才能说出这种话来。
Amy, you're a neuroscientist. Crack his skull open, spray some Raid in there. 艾米,你是神经学家。把他的头颅砸开,洒点杀虫剂进去。