生活大爆炸第八季 第89期:旗帜盲了(在线收听

 Hello. I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper. And welcome to Sheldon Cooper Presents: Fun with Flags, the Final Episode Flagtacular.  大家好。我是谢尔顿·库珀博士。欢迎收看由谢尔顿·库珀出品的《有趣的旗帜》最终集:壮丽的旗帜。

I knew it was coming. Still scary. 我知道会有拉炮。还是吓死人家了。
Now, I'm sure you're thinking, "The final episode? Who will stand between us and flag ignorance" 我知道你们一定在想:"居然最终集了,是谁要害你们变成旗帜盲了?"
I know I was thinking that. Is this a show on flags or mind reading? 像我就有这个想法。这是旗帜节目还是读心节目啊?
But the truth is I can no longer balance a full-time career, a popular Internet show, and a girlfriend. 但事实上是因为我无法继续兼顾全职工作,热门网络节目,以及女朋友了。
And he really does have one, you jerks on the comment board. 他是真的有女朋友,你们这些留言的混球们。
So as they say, all good things must come to an end. 常言道,天下无不散之筵席。
After only 232 episodes. 虽然仅有232集视觉飨宴。
233 if we include the one somebody forgot to press record on. 如果某人有次没忘了按下录制键,那应该是233集。
You said you weren't gonna bring that up. 说好了不提那事儿。
And you said you pressed record. 说好了你会按录制键。
Anyway, please sit back, relax, and join us as we take our final lap as indicated by the waving of this racing flag. 总之,用放松的姿势跟着我们一起跑完这最后一圈,就像这只赛车旗指示的一样。(白旗在不同系列车赛中有不同意义。有些代表场上有慢速车辆,有些则是最后一圈。)
And, of course, white flags can also represent surrender, the Stewards of Gondor, and the Japanese Minamoto clan. 当然,白旗也代表"举白旗投降"。刚铎宰相 、日本源氏也都使用白旗。(刚铎宰相:《魔戒》中刚铎地区的统治者;日本源氏与平家大战时,一家白旗,一家红旗)
But I'm sure you remember that from episode 62, "White Flags: Who's Wavin' 'Em and Why" 但想必你们肯定还记得这些,因为62集"白旗:谁举白旗及缘由"都讲过。
That was a good one. 那集超赞。
It was so good. 的确是赞到爆炸。