生活大爆炸第八季 第91期:超爱抱我的老板(在线收听

 Penny! Oh, my rookie of the year. - Oh, Dan. My boss who didn't want to hire me and now's a little hug machine. 佩妮!我的年度最佳新人。-丹,我一开始不想雇我但现在超爱抱我的老板。

Oh, look at you. Brand-new and already the third best sales rep. Why don't you come over to my table. 看看你,新加入不久就业绩第三名。过来我那桌坐坐吧。
Yes. I'll be right there. Bernadette's just parking the car. 我马上过去。伯纳黛特还在停车。
Oh, good. Bernadette. Cute, sweet...vicious little Bernadette. 哦,好。伯纳黛特,人萌音甜...恶毒凶残的小伯纳黛特。
Come on. She's not that bad. 别这样嘛,她没那么坏。
Oh, yeah? At the company picnic she yelled at me and my grandson for losing the three-legged race.  是吗?公司野餐的时候,她吼了我跟我孙子,因为我们输了二人三腿赛跑。
I mean, he still calls her "That mean kid with the big boobies." 我孙子现在还叫她为"毒舌大奶娃"。
I know she can be a little intense, but, I swear, she is so sweet once you get past all the...-Hey, what are you talking about? 她有时候是有点凶,但我保证等稍微熟了之后,她就是很亲切的一个人了...-你们在聊什么?
Oh. We were just talking about how much we love working with you. Isn't that right? Dan? 我们在聊有多喜欢跟你共事。对吧?丹?
Over the years here at Fun With Flags, we've had an opportunity to learn, laugh, wonder... 在《有趣的旗帜》的这些岁月里,我们有机会一同学习 、欢笑 、惊奇...
And, yes, even shed a tear or two. 甚至落过几滴泪。
Like when you do a two-hour Fourth of July spectacular and it doesn't get recorded. 比如国庆节做了两小时特别节目,结果却没被录下来。
How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? 到底要我道歉几次才够?
How about 4,000. One for every domino I set up to make that American flag. Please enjoy these highlights. 先来个四千次吧。向我拼成美国国旗的每一片骨牌道歉。请欣赏我们的精彩剪辑。
Crikey! What flag do we have today? "澳"哟妈呀!今天是讲哪国的旗呢?
Australia, mate! 澳大利亚,兄弟!(澳洲口音)
And now it's time for the speed round of Flag or Not a Flag. 现在到了高速国旗大鉴定的单元。
Flag. Flag. Not a flag. Flag. I am crushing this. 国旗。国旗。不是国旗。国旗。我太厉害了。