生活大爆炸第八季 第96期:白旗(在线收听

 And if you touched the ground, burn you. 如果你掉到地面,我会烧掉你。(根据规定,美国国旗降旗时不能触碰地面。如果国旗被弄脏或要退役并庄重处理,通常烧毁)

I'd like to take a moment to personally thank Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler,  我想花一点时间亲自谢谢艾米·费拉·福勒博士。
who you may or may not know is the first woman to co-host a flag or banner-related Internet info-tainment show. 你们或许知道,也或许不知道,她是第一位搭档主持关于旗帜或横幅相关的网络寓教于乐节目的女性。
Take that, glass ceiling. 听见了吗,玻璃天花板。(玻璃天花板:是指女性和少数族裔无法晋升到决策层的无形障碍)
And if I may get serious for a moment, hosting this show has been...one crazy ride.  请容许我认真地说几句,主持这档节目是一段疯狂的旅程。
With all its ups and downs, I wouldn't give it up for the world. Except for now, when I'm giving it up. 一路走来的高兴与失落,是我无论如何都不想放弃的。除了现在,我要放弃这节目了。
Before I sign off, I'd, uh...I'd like to share with you all one last use for a white flag. It's good for times like this. Good night. 在节目正式停播前,我想...我想跟大家分享白旗的最后一个用处。像这种时候,可以拿来擦眼泪。晚安。
Cut. Sheldon...that was beautiful. 停。谢尔顿,刚才那段话太感人了。
If you didn't press record...-I pressed it! 如果你没有按下录制...-老娘按了!
Well, that's it. That's the end of Roger Abbott. 结束了。罗杰·艾伯特的东西清理完毕。
And we still don't know who framed him. 我们仍不知道是谁陷害了他。(兔子罗杰的电影名为《谁陷害了兔子罗杰》)
I still keep thinking about how an entire life can seemingly amount to nothing. 我一直在思考,一个人的一生怎么能一无所成呢。
I guess the sad truth is, not everyone will accomplish something great.  事实就是这么悲哀,不是所有人都能功成名就。
Some of us may just have to find meaning in the little moments that make up life. 我们中有些人注定要在日常生活的点滴中寻找生命的意义。
That's a nice way of looking at it. 这个看待的方法很不错。
Yeah for you, not for me. I went to space. I'm covered. 对你而言是,我可不是。哥上过太空呢,此生足矣。