生活大爆炸第八季 第100期:父母的情况(在线收听

 Hey, how are things going with your parents? 你父母的情况怎么样了?

Not great. They hired divorce attorneys. 不太好。他们请了离婚律师。
You know, speaking of attorneys, if I ever needed a lawyer, I would not hire She-Hulk. 说到律师,如果哪天我需要请律师,我绝对不会请女浩克。(绿巨人浩克的表妹,有弱化版的绿巨人变身能力,常为超级英雄们打官司)
You know what? That was almost on topic. I'm gonna say, "Good job, Sheldon." 其实呢,刚才你的话跟主题很接近了。所以我要说"做得好哦,谢尔顿"。
Wait, She-Hulk's a lawyer? 等等,女浩克是个律师吗?
Yeah, she works at a law firm in New York. 是啊,她在纽约一家律师事务所做事。
Yes, but she's the only monster at the firm. Between you, me and the wall, I think she's an affirmative action hire. 是的,但是她是所里唯一的怪物。我说了别传出去啊,我觉得她是因为平权法案才被请的怪物。(为防止对肤色、宗教、 性别、 民族出身歧视,在就业、教育等方面给予优待而达到平等的措施)
Anyway, Dad's gonna be here in town, so I won't be able to do Christmas dinner this year. 总而言之,我爸会来找我,所以我今年没办法替大家办圣诞晚宴了。
If you're not up to hosting Christmas dinner, I'm happy to do it. You can even bring your father. 如果今年你没办法主办圣诞晚宴,我很乐意来做啊。你还可以带你父亲一起来。
That would be nice. 那真是太好了。
I've always wanted to do a traditional Victorian Christmas. Parlor games, goose and figgy pudding... 我一直都想过一次传统维多利亚式圣诞。(1848年开始的英式传统圣诞节)玩会客厅游戏,吃圣诞烤鹅与果干布丁...
English pudding. Y-You get yourself all excited for pudding, and here comes a cake with raisins in it. I'm not going. 英式布丁。(英式布丁常是蛋糕状的甜点,而不是美式的偏果冻状布丁)本来满心期待有"布丁"吃,结果是英式的破葡萄干蛋糕。我不去。
You're going. 你就得来。
Why do you hate me? 我跟你什么仇什么怨啊?
I don't hate you. I love you. 我跟你无冤无仇。我爱你。
Well, you call it love, but it has a lot of raisins in it. 你把它称之为爱也行,但里面还是有一堆葡萄干。
Amy, good luck getting these guys excited about a dinner with a theme. I gave up when no one cared about my Tom Hanks-giving. 艾米,让这几个家伙对主题晚餐有兴趣简直比登天还难。我的汤姆·汉克斯感恩节就因为没人捧场而放弃。
I think a Victorian Christmas sounds nice. 我觉得维多利亚式圣诞很不错啊。
I agree. - Me, too. 同意。-我也觉得。
You guys suck! 你们这群混蛋!