生活大爆炸第八季 第101期:鼻子太通(在线收听

 You know the best part of working in the clean room? No allergies. Check it out. Oh, that-that...that's a lot of oxygen. 你知道在无尘室里工作最棒的是什么吗?不会过敏。你看。鼻子太通 ...一下吸进的氧气有点多。

We should get going to Amy's. 我们该去艾米家了。
Can you believe there was a time when we would have needed an array of giant Cherenkov telescopes to detect cosmic particles? 你能相信曾几何时,人类得靠着巨大的切伦科夫望远镜阵列来探测宇宙射线粒子吗?
And here we are building our own multi-wire detector like a couple of badasses. 而如今我们自己就可以构建多线探测器,简直霸气到炸啊。
I know. If we were still single, we'd be tripping over all that booty. 是啊,如果我们还单身,都可以在女人堆里打滚了。
Ladies do love a man dressed like a kitchen garbage bag. 女人的确喜欢男人打扮得像个厨房垃圾袋。
Oh, no. 惨了。
How the hell did a pigeon get in here? - You shut the loading doors, right? - I thought you did. 这鸽子是怎么飞进来的?-你关了外门对吧?-我以为你关了。
Do you know what a disaster this is? ! 你知道这有多严重吗?!
You mean 'cause this room isn't supposed to have dust in it, and we just let in a flying crap machine? ! 你是指因为这无尘室应该是要一尘不染,而我们放了一只会飞的拉屎机进来吗?!
What do we do? Should we call someone? 我们该怎么办?该打电话叫人来吗?
And tell them that we compromised all the equipment? Let's just get it out of here before anyone knows. 告诉人家我们把所有设备都污染了吗?赶紧趁没人发现前把它赶出去。
Okay, how do we catch it? 好吧,我们该怎么抓它呢?
Well, what if we turn off all the lights except for one, and it'll come to it. 要不我们把所有灯关掉,只留下一盏灯,它就会飞过来。
It's not a moth! 它又不是飞蛾!
Don't yell at me. You're not gonna get any good ideas out of me if you're yelling. 别吼我。你越吼我,我越想不出什么好主意。
Okay, so if I remain calm, I'll get more gems like, "Turn off the lights"? ! 所以如果我保持平静,我就能听到更多像"关灯"这样的绝妙大计吗?
Great, we're turning on each other. That's just what the bird wants us to do! 这下好了,我们反目成仇。正中了这只鸟的下怀。