向前一步:第195期 让我们开始讨论吧(1)(在线收听

 Chapter 10 Let's Start Talking About It 第10章 让我们开始讨论吧

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to go through life without being labeled by my gender. 有时候我想知道,如果没被贴上女性标签,我的生活会是怎样。
I don't wake up thinking, What am I going to do today as Facebook's female COO?, but that's often how I'm referred to by others. 我肯定不会醒来就想:“作为脸谱网的女性首席运营官,今天我要做些什么?”别人提到我时常常这么说。
When people talk about a female pilot, a female engineer, or a female race car driver, the word "female" implies a bit of surprise. 尤其当人们讨论女飞行员、女工程师或是女赛车手时,“女”这个字眼都带着点惊讶的意味。
Men in the professional world are rarely seen through this same gender lens. 但是,人们极少用同样的性别放大镜去观察专业世界里的男性。
A Google search for "Facebook's male CEO" returns this message: "No results found." 用谷歌搜索“脸谱网的男性首席执行官”,你将看到的是:“没有你要找的结果”。
As Gloria Steinem observed, "Whoever has power takes over the noun — and the norm — while the less powerful get an adjective." 格洛丽亚·斯泰纳姆曾说过:“名词和规范由权高位重者掌管,位卑言轻者只能拥有形容词。”
Since no one wants to be perceived as less powerful, a lot of women reject the gender identification and insist, 谁也不想被看作位卑言轻者,所以很多女性会拒绝性别认定,主张
"I don't see myself as a woman; I see myself as a novelist/athlete/professional/fill-in-the-blank." “我没把自己当女人看,我把自己看成小说家/运动员/专业人士/(此处请填空)”。
They are right to do so. 她们做得很对。
No one wants her achievements modified. 没有人希望自己的成就被看低,
Yet the world has a way of reminding women that they are women, and girls that they are girls. 然而,这个世界总会提醒女性“你们是女人”,提醒女孩“你们是女孩”。
In between my junior and senior years of high school, I worked as a page in Washington, D.C., for my hometown congressman, William Lehman. 在升高中前的那个暑假,我曾在华盛顿为我的同乡、国会议员威廉·莱曼做些打杂的工作,
The Speaker of the House at the time was the legendary Massachusetts representative Tip O'Neill, 当时的众议院议长是富有传奇色彩的马萨诸塞州议员蒂普·奥尼尔。