生活大爆炸第八季 第102期:祈祷飞机赶紧坠机(在线收听

 So, Dr. Koothrappali, long flight? 库萨帕里医生,飞了很久吧?

20 hours. - Oh, that's rough. 足足20小时。- 很辛苦吧。
Not at all. Did you know that when you fly transcontinental without your wife, you don't pray for the plane to crash? 完全不会。不用跟妻子一起飞这种跨大陆航班,我也不用祈祷飞机赶紧坠机。
Can you please talk about anything else? 我们能聊点别的吗?
Forgive me. How are you and Leonard? 抱歉,原谅我。你和莱纳德如何了?
Oh, great. Everything's good. 很好啊,一切都很好。
I see you got engaged. - Yes, we did. 我发现你们好像订婚了。-是啊。
Let me tell you a story. -Dad! 让我告诉你个故事。-爸!
Sorry. I'm sure you won't grow to hate each other. 抱歉。我相信你们不会日渐憎恨彼此。
Hey, Leonard. What's up? What? How did that happen? Yeah, okay. I'll be there as soon as I can. Sorry. I have to run to the university. 莱纳德,怎么啦?什么?怎么会这样?好吧,我尽快到。抱歉,我得去一下大学。
What's going on? 怎么了?
There's been a problem with our experiment. A bird got into the clean room. 我们的实验出了点问题。有只鸟飞进了无尘室。
You want me to come? 需要我去帮忙吗?
Uh, no. You had a long flight. You stay here and relax. 不用,你刚坐了这么长时间飞机,你就待着放松休息吧。
"Relax." Easy for you to say. Your mother isn't cleaning out your bank account. 40 years, the woman never cleaned a thing. "放松"。你说得倒轻巧。你妈"清"空的又不是你的银行账户。40年来,这女人从未"清"理过任何东西。
You're just gonna leave him here? - "Relax," He says. 你要把他丢在这里吗?-他还好意思让我放松。
Yup. Bye. 是的,再见。
Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus. Right down Santa Claus Lane. 圣诞老人来了,圣诞老人来了。正沿着圣诞老人道而来。
Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeer. Pulling on the reins... 凶婆娘和闪电,与其它驯鹿们,卖力拉着缰绳... (圣诞老人一共有九只驯鹿:鲁道夫、 猛冲、 跳舞 、欢腾、 凶婆娘、 雷 、闪电 、丘比特、 彗星)
Yeah, I appreciate the ride...-Bells are ringing, children singing. All is merry and bright 谢谢你能载我... 铃声叮当,孩子欢唱。一切快乐又光明。
So hang your stockings and say your prayers。'Cause Santa Claus is coming tonight...Why'd you turn it off? 挂上你的圣诞袜,说出你的祷告词。只因今晚圣诞老人要到来... 你干嘛关掉它?