生活大爆炸第八季 第104期:一起庆祝节日(在线收听

 Then you're both sad? 然后你们俩都不开心?

Yes. Maybe she'll feel so guilty, she'll never make me celebrate the holidays again. 是的。或许她会内疚到永远都不想跟我一起庆祝节日。
So your evil plot here is to buy your girlfriend a present? 所以你的邪恶阴谋是送你女朋友一份礼物吗?
That's right. So stay on my good side, or I'll get you a little something, too. 没错。所以别惹我,否则本人也会赐你点"礼物"。
Okay, here's the plan. I'm gonna put the food in the bag, and when he lands in the bag to eat it, we close it up. 好,计划是这样:我把食物放进袋子里,一旦鸽子飞进去吃,我们就赶紧把口封死。
A Slim Jim? 一根肉条吗?
It's all I could find. It'll work. 只有这个了,保证管用。
Sure. If the pigeon's stoned or a trucker. 瞎说。除非它嗑药了,或者它是卡车司机。(该牌肉条备受卡车司机喜爱,食用很方便)
Okay, well, what's your plan? 好吧,那你的计划是什么?
I told you my plan. Let's call Building Services and get help. 我之前不是说了吗。打给物业管理处,找人帮忙啊。
And admit that we contaminated the clean room? -No, admit that you contaminated the clean room. 承认我们污染了无尘室吗?-不,是承认你污染了无尘室。
Why do you keep assuming it was me? - Because you do this kind of thing all the time, and then you try to cover it up. 为什么你总认为责任在我?-因为你总犯这样的错误,还会试图掩盖事实。
Like when? 比如说?
What about when you flipped the Mars Rover, or lost Koothrappali's dog, or almost drove off with that baby? 比如说你把火星漫游者玩坏、弄丢了库萨帕里的狗、差点开别人的车带着别人的娃走了。
Again, it looked like my car, and the baby didn't even cry until his mother punched me with her keys. 重申一遍,那车跟我的车很像,而且那娃没哭,是后来他妈用钥匙打我才吓哭的。
Fine, put the Slim Jim in the garbage bag. 行,你想把肉条放垃圾袋里就放呗。
Well, what if you said it without sounding so condescending? 你能不能讲话不这么秀优越感?
I can try, but your plan has the words "Garbage bag" and "Slim Jim" in it! 我尽量,但你的计划里有"垃圾袋"和"肉条"这两个词!
Hey, what's going on? 怎么回事?
Genius here wants to catch a bird with a garbage bag and a Slim Jim. 有一个天才想用一个垃圾袋和一根肉条抓住一只鸟。