生活大爆炸第八季 第105期:跟其他人约会(在线收听

 Should have put it in the bag first. 真应该先放进袋子里。

So, if you don't mind me asking, do you think you might start dating again? 希望你别介意我多嘴,你认为你会开始跟其他人约会吗?
It's much too soon for that. Why? Do you know someone? 现在说这个还太早吧。怎么了?要给我介绍对象吗?
No, but if things don't work out with me and Leonard, I'll give you a call. Wait. How much do you talk about Star Trek? 没有啦,但如果我和莱纳德闹掰了,我会打给你的。等等,你会经常大聊特聊《星际迷航》吗?
Okay, let's get this Victorian party started. I've done some research about some traditional parlor games we can play. 好啦,我们维多利亚式派对开始啦。我做了些研究,找了几个我们可以玩的会客厅游戏。
Like what? 比如什么?
Well, there's a fun one called Ball of Wool. You take a ball of wool, and you put it right in the center of the table. 有一个有趣的游戏叫"羊毛球"。你拿一个羊毛球,放在桌子的正中间。
Then people sit on opposite sides of the table and try to blow the wool off. 然后让桌子两端的人来回吹毛球。
Sorry. She's taken, too. 抱歉,她也有男友了。
You know what I think your problem is? You're jealous because you and I used to be best friends until Koothrappali came along. 你知道我觉得你问题在哪吗?你嫉妒,因为你曾经是我最好的朋友,现在库萨帕里插进来了。
And you found somebody you could push around? -Hey! 于是你终于找到可以任你摆布的人了?-什么!
Stay out of this. - Okay. 你别掺合。-好的。
You know, maybe I'm best friends with Raj because he doesn't think he's smarter than me. - Actually...- I said, stay out of it! 也许拉杰之所以能成为我最好的朋友,是因为他不会觉得自己比我聪明。-其实... -我说你别掺合!
N-No. No, Raj, go ahead, say what you were gonna say. 别别。拉杰你说,你刚刚想说什么。
All I'm gonna say is you guys need to stop this right now. It-It's bad enough that my parents are fighting, now I have to hear the two of you? 我只想说你们别再吵了。我父母闹矛盾已经够糟了,现在还要听你们俩吵架?
And who cares who's smarter? If it's Leonard or me or...you know, it's Christmas, let's say it's Howard. 谁在乎谁更聪明啊?谁管是莱纳德还是我,还是...算了,大过节的,霍华德最聪明吧。