生活大爆炸第八季 第107期:用灭火器把它喷下来(在线收听

 All right, let me see if I've got this straight. A picture of you on my lap is a way to punish your girlfriend for making you celebrate Christmas? 好吧,你听我理解得对不对。用一张你坐在我腿上的照片来惩罚你女友逼你过圣诞节?

Correct. 正确。
Santa thinks dating you may be punishment enough. 圣诞老人觉得她有你这种男友已经够受罪了。
There's an argument for that. But I want to make sure. 这话不无道理。但我得确保她一定受到惩罚。
Smile. -Ho, ho, ho! 微笑。-呵呵呵!
Okay. On the count of three, I'll shoot the fire extinguisher and get him airborne. 好的。数到三,我会用灭火器把它喷下来。
Howard, you wave the blanket and guide him towards the exit. Raj, you hold open the curtain so he can fly out. 霍华德,你挥毯子把它逼向出口。拉杰,你把门帘掀开,让它可以飞出去。
Are you sure a dummy like me can handle something as complicated as a blanket? 你确定我这样的傻蛋可以应付毯子这么复杂的东西吗?。-对啊。
Do you want the fire extinguisher? 你想负责灭火器吗?
Yeah, I do. - Great. Here you go. 想,我想。-好。给你。
Okay. One, two, three. 好。一,二,三。
Uh, you have to take the pin out. 你得先把安全针拔出来。
You miss the blanket now, don't you? 现在怀念毯子了吧?
On three. One, two, three. 数到三。一,二,三。
What did you do? 你干了什么?
It was an accident. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. -Relax, it wasn't your fault. -Uh, maybe it's just stunned. 这是意外。天啊,我的天啊。-别紧张,不是你的错。-它可能只是吓呆了。
Dude, I-it's not breathing. 兄弟,呼吸都没了。
Oh, no. I killed it. Oh, not again. 不是吧,我杀了它。别又来啊。