生活大爆炸第八季 第111期:蓝色和黄色的结合色(在线收听

 What color would you like to be? 你想当哪个颜色?

Well, I'd like to be green, but you know you always take it. 我想要绿色啊,可是每次都被你抢了。
That's not true. Any color's fine with me. Yeah, I could be a-a combination of blue and yellow. 没有好吗。我哪个颜色都行。给我蓝色和黄色的结合色也行啊。
Blue and yellow make green. 蓝加黄不就是绿色吗。
Well, then it's settled. 就这么愉快地决定了。
Hi. Ready to go? 准备好出发了吗?
Oh, good news, we ordered lunch, so we can all stay here and play Lord of the Rings Risk. 好消息,我们叫了午餐外送,我们可以一起在家玩《战国风云:魔戒》。(战国风云是一种战旗类桌游,玩家用兵占领领地再互相攻击,直到征服全世界)
Sheldon, we said that we would play games with you tonight. 谢尔顿,我们说好了是今晚陪你玩。
Oh, no, we'll still be playing it tonight, this game can easily take eight hours. 没错啊,今晚我们还会继续玩,这游戏花个八小时也是家常便饭。
Sweetie, you really thought I'd want to do this? - No. 亲爱的,你真的觉得我想留下玩这个吗?-没有啊。
Well, did you tell him that? - Yes. 那你跟他说了吗?-有啊。
Did you say it out loud with words? 你有大声开口说出吗?
No. 没有。
I don't want to spend the whole day playing a board game. 我不想要一整天都留在家里玩桌游。
Yeah, well, you may change your mind when you hear that this is the new expanded edition  你听完可能就会改变主意,这可是全新扩充包,
which contains a more complete map of Middle Earth, now including the Haradwaith Territories. 里面有更完整的魔戒中土世界地图,现在还加进了哈拉德威治地区哦。
I will literally race you to the car. 我真的要跟你比赛谁先冲上车走人。
No, no, no, come on, don't leave. Just try it. 别别别,别一走了之。试试再说嘛。
No. We're always doing what you guys want. Just once, it'd be nice if you did something we wanted. 不要,我们总是在做你们男生想做的事。哪怕就一次,换你们做我们想要的事该多好。
You want to be green? 你想当绿色吗?
You know, they really have tried to like a lot of the same stuff we're into. 她们的确是有试着喜欢上我们迷的那些事物。
Yeah, we do game nights and video game nights and we watch movies with director's commentary. 我们参加了游戏之夜、 游戏机之夜、跟你们一起看导演评论版的电影。
Oh, my favorite. George Lucas can talk all the way through Star Wars, I say one word and I'm banished to the kitchen. 这事我可得说说。乔治·卢卡斯可以整部《星球大战》说个不停。怎么我就说一个字就被流放到了厨房呢。
Yeah, today Amy and I are deciding what we're all gonna do. 今天由我跟艾米来决定我们做什么。
You got it, you girls are in charge. 行啊,你们女生做决定。
Thank you. 谢谢。
Sheldon? 谢尔顿呢?
Fine. Now that we're not playing, you can be green. 好吧。现在我们不玩了,绿色给你当吧。