生活大爆炸第八季 第112期:去骑马(在线收听

 Thank you. - And since you're green this time, I can be it next time. 谢主隆恩。-这次你是绿色,那下次就换我了。

All right, let's see. What's something fun the guys would never take us to do? Oh, I know, we could go horseback riding. 好了,来想想。有什么好玩的事是他们永远不会带我们去做的?我知道了,我们可以去骑马。
I actually can't. My hips don't open wider than 22 degrees. I rode a very thin pony once. On the first bump...just popped right off. 我骑不了。我的臀部不能打开超过22度。我试过骑一只非常瘦的马。才颠一下 ...臀部就脱臼了。
All right, well, what do you want to do? 好吧,那你想做什么?
There's a craft and folk art museum on Wilshire. 威尔希尔那边有一个手工艺与民间艺术馆。
Well, that's Wilshire's problem. Come on, you know, there-there's got to be something fun we could do that the guys will hate. 那是威尔希尔那边的人倒霉。再想想嘛,肯定有什么好玩的事情是我们想做而他们讨厌的。
Hang on, why do we have to hate it? 等等,为什么非得是我们讨厌的事?
Three words: Doctor Who convention. 送你几个字:神秘博士大会。
I-I did not force you to go to that. 当时我又没逼你跟着去。
You walked out of the house in a fez and bow tie. I went so you didn't get beat up. 你戴着神秘博士的圆顶小帽,还别上领结出门。我怕你被揍才跟着去。
I wasn't gonna get beat up. 我才不会被揍呢。
You were, but somehow I held myself back. 你差点被揍啊,是我后来突然忍住了。
You know what you could make us do? Ice-skating. 你知道你们可以逼我们干嘛吗?滑冰。
The cold air will trigger Leonard's asthma and it plays right into my well-known fear of getting flattened by a Zamboni. 冷空气会让莱纳德犯气喘,而且这正中我长久以来害怕被磨冰场车压扁的恐惧。
Now you're helping them find ways to make us miserable? 你在帮忙他们想能让我们痛苦不堪的事吗?
Well, I'm sorry, Leonard, I'm a problem-solver, it's what I do. 抱歉,莱纳德,我专治各种疑难杂症,这是我强项。
I actually can't go ice-skating. I have unnaturally brittle ankles. 我其实也不能滑冰。我有非比寻常易碎的脚踝。
Is there any part of your body that's normal? 你身上有任何一个部位是正常的吗?