生活大爆炸第八季 第114期:联盟号太空舱(在线收听

 All right, keep thinking. 好吧,继续想。

You're making it too complicated. Why not stick to the basics? 你干嘛把事情搞这么复杂。何不来点基本款折磨?
Go shopping for clothes while Leonard and I sit in those uncomfortable chairs and hold your purses, hmm? I know I'd hate that. Leonard? 你们去逛街,我和莱纳德就坐在店里不舒服的椅子上帮你们看着包包?反正我是讨厌这样。莱纳德,你呢?
Well, yeah. 当然。
Well, then, it's settled? 那就愉快地决定啦?
What do you say? Sounds kind of perfect. 你觉得怎么样?听起来是个好主意。
It does. Somehow he managed to take all the fun out of it. 的确。但被他这么一说,感觉乐趣都没了。
Well, once again, it's what I do. 再次证明,这是我强项。
Oh, another two hours to go. The wait is killing me. 还要继续等两小时。这过程真是等死我了。
I know. I get it. When I was in the Soyuz capsule returning from the space station, plummeting toward Earth at 17,000 miles per hour... 我懂这种感觉。当我坐着联盟号太空舱从空间站,以每小时1万7千英里的速度返回地球时...
Before you finish, is this a story about patience and waiting or just another reminder that you went to space? 在你说完前,我想问这故事是关于耐心和等待,还是只是为了提醒我你上过太空?
A story can do two things. 两个愿望一次满足嘛。
Ugh, I feel like I'm gonna have a heart attack. 我觉得我要心脏病发作了。
You work in pharmaceuticals, don't you have anything you can give him? 你在制药公司上班,难道没有什么药可以治治他吗?
All I have is our new urine flow drug. Won't help with his anxiety, but it's so strong, when he pees he'll fly around the room like he's got a jet pack. 我只有新出的尿流药。虽然缓解不了他的紧张,但药效强劲。他尿尿的时候会像穿着喷气背包在屋子里乱飞。
I can't stop thinking about it. 我没有办法不去想这件事。
You know, worrying won't have any effect on what happens. 你担心也不会改变任何事。
I know. 我知道。
Maybe you need to do something more productive. 或许你需要做一些更有用的事情。