生活大爆炸第八季 第116期:消磨时间的方式(在线收听

 Uh, I've got some bad news. There's no cell service in here. 我有个坏消息。这里面没有手机信号。

Oh. Well, that's all right. There were plenty of ways to pass the time before smart phones were invented. 算啦,没关系。智能手机没面世前也有很多消磨时间的方式啊。
That's true. 那倒是。
I'll look them up. Son of a biscuit. 我用手机搜搜信号。去他个小饼干。
Sheldon, it's fine. 谢尔顿,没关系啦。
No, it's not fine. What kind of store in the 21st century doesn't at least have Wi-Fi? I'm going to call their corporate office...Son of a biscuit! 不,有关系。这都21世纪了,怎么还会有店没有无线网?我要打去他们公司总部投诉...去他个小饼干!
Let's see, my armies are going to attack the Shire from Buckland. And I roll...a five and a three. 我想想啊,我的军队要袭击巴克兰的一个郡(魔戒地名)。我的骰子点数是...一个五,一个三。
Okay. And to defend, I roll...two sixes. I win. 好的。为了捍卫家园,我的点数是两个六。我赢了。
Boy, double-sixes again. You know...if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it. I wonder how long we're gonna be stuck here. 天啊,又是两个六。要不是我亲眼看见,我真不敢相信。我想知道我们还要在这里待多久。
I don't know, but the girls do a lot for us. It's the least we can do. 我不知道,但她们为我们付出了很多。这是我们该做的。
Oh, that's true. I suppose it's only fair we make compromises. 那倒是。我想只有双方做出让步才公平吧。
Look at you, being all mature. 瞧瞧你,居然如此成熟。
I don't know why you're so surprised. If there's one thing I know about after living with you for so many years, it's how to compromise. 我不懂你有什么好惊讶的。跟你住在一起这么多年了,我唯一学会的事情,就是做出让步。
I-I'm sorry? You make compromises for me? 你说什么?你为我做出让步吗?
All the time. 一直如此啊。