生活大爆炸第八季 第120期:自己家里的温度(在线收听

 Because of you, I'm not allowed to adjust the temperature in my own home. 就因为你,我不能调节自己家里的温度。

I'm not allowed to whistle. I don't wear shoes that might squeak. 我也不能吹口哨。不能穿可能会吱吱叫的鞋子。
Well, you're a physicist, not a circus clown. 你是物理学家,不是马戏团小丑。
Sheldon, do you realize I don't live with the woman I love because of you? No other reason. Just you. 谢尔顿,你知道我不能和我爱的女人住在一起都是因为你吗?没有其他理由,只是因为你。
Is that true? -Yes, it's true. The last time I brought it up, you had an emotional breakdown and got on a train and ran away. 这是真的吗? -是真的。上次我提到这事时,你精神崩溃了,跳上火车离家出走。
Well, given my history on the subject, it seems a little reckless to bring it up now. 考虑到我对这事的历史反应,你现在提它是不是有点莽撞呢。
You have no idea how much you inconvenience the lives of everyone around you. It's exhausting! 你完全不知道你给身边的每一个人造成了多大的麻烦。我都要累死了!
You know what? You think you're so tolerant, but the truth is...you're mean to me a lot. 你知道吗?你自以为宽容大量,但事实是...你常对我很过分。
Yeah, you think that I don't notice all those sarcastic comments and those eye rolls, but I do. Hmm? 没错,你以为我听不出你那些冷嘲热讽、看不到你猛翻的那些白眼吗?
I have excellent peripheral vision. On a good day, I can see my ears. 我都知道。我有着出色的周边视觉。天好的时候,我连自己耳朵都看得到。
Sheldon, I-I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I've been holding a lot of this in for a while. 谢尔顿,如果我伤到了你,我道歉。但这些话我已经憋了很久了。
Well, I'm sorry, too. And if you want to live with Penny, then I think you should. 那我也道歉。而且如果你想和佩妮住在一起,那你就去吧。
Do you mean that? 你是真心的吗?
Yes. Yeah, just put on your squeaky shoes and...your way out of my life. 是的。穿好你那吱吱乱响的鞋...吱吱吱地离开我的生活。
Come on, don't get upset. 别这样,别不高兴嘛。
I'm not upset. I'm just imagining a world without my best friend in it. 我才没有不高兴。我只是在想象没有我最好朋友的世界是如何。
Sheldon. 谢尔顿。
It's okay. 没关系。