生活大爆炸第八季 第121期:最佳朋友(在线收听

 I-I'm not leaving your world. I'm just talking about living across the hall. 我不是要离开你的世界。只是搬到你对门去住。

I understand. Either way, I want you to know that...I'm aware of how difficult I can be. So I just want to say...thank you for putting up with me. 我理解。不论如何,我希望你了解...我知道我有多难搞。所以我只是想说...谢谢你一直包容我。
Buddy... 兄弟...
How are you guys getting alo...? What? Why are there tears? 你们过得如何...怎么了?怎么都哭了?
Everything's fine. We just started talking about living arrangements. 没有事。我们刚刚在聊搬家,安排房间的事。
Are you crazy? You know he's a flight risk. 你疯了吗?你知道他有潜逃前科的。
That's exactly what I told him. 我也是这么跟他说的。
Sheldon, we know this is a sensitive subject, and Leonard's not gonna move out until you're ready. 谢尔顿,我们知道你对这事很敏感,你没准备好之前,莱纳德是不会搬走的。
Well, what if you did it gradually? 要时你慢慢离开让我一点点地适应呢?
All right. Well...how about we start with two nights a week I live with Penny? 好的。从每周两天晚上我住佩妮家开始?
How about one night and...I let you whistle? 或者一晚,再加上...我让你吹口哨怎么样?
Okay. 成交。
When I'm not home. 我不在家的时才能吹。
You got it. 就这样。
There we go, compromising again. We really are the best. 就是这样,又让步了。我们真是最佳朋友。