生活大爆炸第八季 第125期:最开心的事(在线收听

 And you thought it was soaping me up in the shower. 你却说替我搓澡才是最开心的事。

Bye. 拜拜。
Okay. Here we go. Proton decay. Proton decay. Proton decay. Proton decay. Proton decay. Proton decay. 好了。开始吧。质子衰变。质子衰变。质子衰变。质子衰变。质子衰变。质子衰变。
Hey, we're home. -Ahhh! 我们回来了。-啊啊啊!
Any progress? 有什么进展吗?
How could there be? ! With these constant interruptions. 怎么可能有进展?!你们老是打扰我。
I love him, but if he's broken, let's not get a new one. 我爱他,但如果他坏掉了,我们别再买新的了。
What are you doing? It's time to go. 你在干什么?该上班了。
I'm not going to work today. And would you like to know why? 我今天不去上班。你想知道为什么吗?
Ah, you're upset because you spent the whole night working on dark matter and didn't make a breakthrough, 你不高兴,因为你花了一整晚研究暗物质却找不到突破口,
and now you're worried you made a huge mistake switching fields, and you're gonna sit around and sulk all day? 现在你担心转换研究方向的决定是错误的,于是你要窝在家里生一整天闷气?
Like a big old baby. 就像一个大宝宝。
Call me if you need anything. 有需要给我打电话。
I've been cooped up in here too long. Maybe I need some fresh air. 我在这里闷太久了,也许我需要点新鲜空气。