生活大爆炸第八季 第126期:空荡荡的床(在线收听

 Penny? Penny? Penny? 佩妮?佩妮?佩妮?

Ugh, what? 什么事?
You sounded in distress. I was worried something unpleasant was happening to you. Like a murder. Or spontaneous coitus with Leonard. 听起来你很痛苦,我担心你是不是遇到了麻烦。比如有人要谋杀你,或者是莱纳德突然找你滚床单。
Oh, I'm just doing this awful workout. I hate it. 我只是在锻炼。讨厌死了。
Well, if you hate it, then why are you doing it? Although I could ask the same question about coitus with Leonard. 如果你讨厌,干嘛还要做呢?当然我对你和莱纳德滚床单这件事也有同样的问题。
I don't know. I guess I like that I hate it. It makes me work harder. 我想,我就是喜欢这种讨厌它的感觉吧,可以激发我的斗志。
And to clarify...- The exercise, Sheldon. Shouldn't you be getting ready for work? 你是指... -我是指锻炼,谢尔顿。你不是应该准备上班了吗?
I'm not going. Would you like to know why? 我今天不上班。你想知道为什么吗?
Uh, you're sad about not getting anything done last night, so you're gonna sit around and pout about it? 你不高兴,因为你昨晚什么都没搞出来,所以你要窝在家里生一整天闷气?
Boy, I'm not nearly as mysterious as I think I am. 我完全不如自己预期的那么神秘莫测啊。
I invented a game. You want to play? - Sure. 我发明了一个游戏,想玩吗?-好啊。
It's called "Emily or Cinnamon"" I give you actual quotes I've heard Raj say, and you guess if he was talking to his girlfriend or his dog. 名字叫"艾米丽还是小桂子"。我告诉你们拉杰曾经说过的话,你来猜一猜这些话的对象是女朋友还是狗。
Go ahead, make fun. You can't embarrass me. I've got a beautiful girlfriend and a dog who loves me so much she drinks my bathwater. 好啊,你想笑就笑吧。我可不会觉得尴尬。我有一个漂亮女友和一条爱我爱到愿意喝我洗澡水的狗。
Okay, who was he talking to, Emily or Cinnamon: "I want you to know, the bed feels so lonely when you're not in it." 很好,这是对谁说的,艾米丽还是小桂子:"你要知道,你不在的时候,空荡荡的床显得好孤单。"