生活大爆炸第八季 第127期:情侣毛衣(在线收听

 Yeah. I may not be liking this game so much. 我可不怎么喜欢这个游戏。

Cinnamon. Give me another one. 小桂子。再来一个。
Okay, Emily or Cinnamon: "Check it out, I got us matching sweaters!" 好的,艾米丽还是小桂子:"看看,我给咱俩买了情侣毛衣"!
We all got the Christmas card-- Cinnamon. 我们都收到了他的圣诞卡。当然是小桂子。
You know, a man can care deeply about a woman and a pet. It's not strange. 一个男人可以同时关爱他的女人和他的狗。这并不奇怪。
Ooh, Emily. I heard him say that to Emily. Hey, I thought you were staying home. 艾米丽。这话我听过他对艾米丽说过。你不是要待在家里吗。
Yeah, I was, but after talking to Penny, I realized something. I...first, she's trying much harder to stay attractive in this relationship than you are. 是的,但和佩妮聊过之后,我发现了一件事。我...首先,她为了保持对你的吸引力,付出的努力可比你多。
And second...the reason I may not be progressing in my research is I've created too pleasant of an environment for myself. 其次,我毫无进展的原因,就是我为自己打造的环境太舒适了。
What do you mean? 什么意思?
According to a classic psychological experiment by Yerkes and Dodson, in order to maximize performance, one must create a state of productive anxiety. 根据叶杜二氏的心理学实验,想提高工作效率,就必须营造一种焦虑紧张的气氛。
So I'd like to ask you all to do something for me. Keep me on my toes. Just throw me off my game.  所以我希望你们能帮我个忙。别让我放松下来。攻我不备。
E-Essentially, go out of your way to make my life miserable. 最重要的是,使劲浑身解数让我难受。
Hold on. What's in it for us? 等等。这么做对我们有什么好处?
Well, I suppose...- Okay, we'll do it! 我觉得吧.. -好,我们同意了!
Done. 做完了。
33 seconds. Okay, that'll be our baseline. 33秒。这就是我们的基准线。
You know, I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but when a mouse completes a maze, it gets a food pellet. 我不想教你怎么工作,不过如果一只老鼠走通了迷宫,它会得到饲料奖励。