生活大爆炸第八季 第128期:思考能力(在线收听

 It also gets its brain plucked out with tweezers. 它的大脑还会被镊子夹出来呢。

And his last meal was a food pellet? You're a monster. 而它的最后一餐只是一颗饲料?你真是禽兽。
All right, next, we're gonna introduce an anxiety-inducing stimulus, measure your stress levels and see how it affects your problem-solving rate. 好了,接下来,我们要逐步加强紧张焦虑刺激,测量你的应力水平,观察它对你思考能力的影响。
Very well. And good luck-- I'm a pretty laid-back guy. 很好。祝你好运。我可是个处变不惊的人哦。
Ready? Begin. 准备好了吗?开始。
Why'd you pop it? 你为什么要戳破?
I'm sorry, I was aiming for your heart. 对不起,我本来瞄准的是你的心脏。
Look, I know you don't like it, but that's the point of the experiment. 我知道你不喜欢,但这是实验的意义所在。
I need to irritate you to find your optimal anxiety zone. 我需要激怒你,来找到你的最佳焦虑区。
And you said no to tickling, polka music or watching me eat a banana. 而且你不要挠痒痒,波尔卡舞曲,或看我吃香蕉。
Who eats them horizontally? ! 谁会横着啃香蕉啊?!
My mother said that's how good girls do it. 我妈说好女孩都是这么吃的。
Perhaps this was a waste of time. 也许这是浪费时间。
Sheldon, you're a remarkable scientist. Just be patient, I'm sure you'll find the breakthrough you've been looking for. 谢尔顿,你是了不起的科学家。耐心一点,我确信你会找到一直寻觅的突破口。
Thank you. 谢谢。
And if you only do solid research instead of making a groundbreaking discovery, what does it matter? 而且如果你只进行可靠研究而不是有开创性的发现,那又有什么关系呢?
Only do solid research? ! Uh...I come to you for help, and you insult me? ! 只进行可靠研究?!我来找你帮忙,你却侮辱我?!
I thought the least that you would do would be...-Look, your anxiety levels are right in the zone. 我原以为你至少可以...-看,你的焦虑水平达标了。
Really? Oh, that's fantastic. N-Now, wait, they're dropping. Why are they dropping? 真的吗?真是太好了。慢着,又落下去了。为什么落下去了?
Because you're happy they're elevated. -Oh, that is infuriating! 因为你开心数值提高了。-真是气死我了!
Ooh, look, they went back up again. Terrific. Oh, no, they went back down! 看,又上升了。太好了。不好,又落下去了!