生活大爆炸第八季 第131期:黑武士(在线收听

 What is going on? 出什么事了?

Oh, I need to keep my anxiety at the right level, so I'm using Darth Vader, the Joker, and Godzilla's roar to keep me in that sweet spot. 我要令焦虑保持在正确的水平,所以我用黑武士 《蝙蝠侠》小丑以及哥斯拉的咆哮来令我保持在这一最佳状态。
Uh, I tried including Taylor Swift in the mix, but turns out I love her. 我试着在里面加入泰勒·斯威夫特的歌,结果发现我爱死她了。
Well, at least listen to it through headphones. I'm trying to sleep. Good night. 至少戴耳机听吧。我还想睡觉呢。晚安。
Boy! Taylor was right: haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. 瞧这脾气!泰勒没错,憎恨者就会黑、 黑 、黑、你(歌词)。
You've been working so much lately, I'm glad you didn't forget about date night. 最近你一直在工作,我很高兴你没有忘记约会之夜。
Of course. 当然了。
Sheldon. 谢尔顿。
Yeah. 在。
Maybe you want to put the notebook away and talk to me. 或许你想收起笔记本,跟我聊聊天。
I can do both. No, my brain is working at optimal capacity.  我可以双管齐下。我的大脑现在处于最佳工作状态。
No, I can have a conversation with you and solve the dark matter proton decay problem at the same time. 我可以一边与你进行交谈,同时一边解决暗物质质子衰变问题。
Fine. How was your day? 好吧。你今天好吗?
Oh, you said it. 对,你说得对。
Sheldon. Sheldon, I'm worried about you. You're not eating, you haven't slept in days, and, to be honest, that cap is starting to smell. 谢尔顿。谢尔顿,我很担心你。你不吃饭,也几天都没睡觉了,而且说实话,那帽子已经开始发臭了。
I know. It's replaced Godzilla as my principle source of anxiety. 我知道。这酸爽取代了哥斯拉叫声成为了焦虑的主要来源。