生活大爆炸第八季 第132期:这一票至关重要(在线收听

 Okay, so it's one vote Emily, one vote Cinnamon. Penny, you're the tiebreaker. 好,现在一票投艾米丽,一票投小桂子。佩妮,你这一票至关重要。

Say the quote again. 再念一遍原句。
It's just so perfect that we're both Libras. 太完美了,我们都是天秤座。
Wow, this is hard. I'm gonna say Cinnamon. - Yes! - Yes! - Come on! 太难选了。我要选小桂子。-正确!-太棒了!-不是吧!
That was the last one, I promise. We won't play anymore. 那是最后一题了,我保证。以后不会玩了。
Thank you. 'Cause if she ever found out, it would hurt her feelings. 谢谢。如果被她发现了,会伤害她感情的。
Emily's feelings? 艾米丽的感情吗?
Yes, Emily. - Nice! Yay! - Good job! 对,艾米丽。-准!-干的漂亮!
Whatever. Where's Sheldon? 随便啦。谢尔顿呢?
Date night. 约会之夜。
Mmm, that can't be much fun for Amy. You know, at work today, he tried his first Red Bull. 艾米可要遭罪了。今天上班的时候,他喝了有生以来第一罐红牛。
What happened? 然后怎么了?
He chased a squirrel around the quad for a while and...then threw up in my car. 他在院子里追了一阵子松鼠,然后...在我车里吐了。
Don't you think you should make him stop all this? 你们不觉得应该拦着他别做了吗?
I don't know, he's not really hurting anybody. 我不确定,他也没伤害到别人。
You didn't have to scoop vomit out of your glove compartment. 那是因为汽车储物箱的呕吐物不是你清。
He is getting a lot of work done. He had a pretty interesting take on proton decay. 他完成了很多工作。在质子衰变方面有了不错的发现。
Wow, if he cracks that, it's a game changer, guys. It'll completely redefine our understanding of the physical universe. 如果他能破解,那会改变世界的,伙计们。那将会彻底重新定义我们对物质宇宙的理解。
Hmm, it would. Okay, back to "Emily or Cinnamon" "How can such a little girl eat such a big steak?" 没有错。好啦,欢迎回到"艾米丽还是小桂子""如此娇小的身躯,怎吃得下硕大的牛排?"