生活大爆炸第八季 第137期:还没睡(在线收听

 You're still awake? 你还没睡啊?

For a man whose last observation was our universe may be the surface of a multidimensional supercooled liquid, 身为一个刚刚发现宇宙时空可能是一个多维超冷液体的表面的人,
"You're still awake" seems like quite the sophomore slump. "你还没睡啊"是这句话听太“二年级低潮期”了。
You worked out all the math. 你完成了所有的计算。
Oh, I did more than work out all the math. I wrote a paper. 我做的可不止计算,我写了一篇论文。
You wrote a paper on my idea? 你用我的想法写了一篇论文吗?
I wrote a paper on our idea. 我用我们的想法写了一篇论文。
When did my idea become our idea? 我的想法什么时候成了我们的想法?
When I mixed it with Sheldony goodness and cooked it in the Easy-Bake Oven of my mind. 当我在其中糅合了谢尔顿的精华,并用我的思维烤箱烘焙而成后。
This is good. Our idea is really good. 写得真不错。我们的想法真得很不错。
Well, the lightbulb in this oven is ridiculously bright. 人家烤箱里面的小灯泡可以亮瞎你的眼呢。
You know, if no one's thought of this, yet, this could be a big deal. 如果这个想法没有人提出过,这绝对是个大发现啊。
Only way we'll know for sure is if we post it online to the pre-print server. 检验的唯一方法就是把它放到预发表服务器上去。
I have it ready to go, but I wasn't gonna do it without you. 我已经准备发了,但我要等你一起来。
Wow, it's all happening so fast. Should we just sleep on it? 这一切发生得太快了。我们要不要等明天再说啊?
We could, but we always run the risk of someone else beating us to the punch. 可以,但也许其他人就会抢在我们前面了。
You're sure it's good? 你确定这个想法靠谱吗?
My name is right on there with yours. That is a surefire mark of quality. 我的名字就在你旁边。这就是金牌品质保证。
That might as well say "Directed by Joss Whedon". 这就好比一部电影写着“由乔斯·威登执导”。(乔斯·威登执导了《复联》等票房大片)
Okay, partner, let's do it. 好吧,搭档,就这么干吧。
Come on. Click the mouse with me. One...two...three...Click. 来。和我一起按下鼠标吧。一...二...三...点击。