生活大爆炸第八季 第144期:总是那么毒舌(在线收听

 I'm so sick of people being mean on the Internet. 我受够了人们在网上总是那么毒舌。

Well, I think the anonymity makes everyone feel like they can say things they'd never say to your face. 我觉得匿名使得人们以为可以乱说那些当面说不出口的话了。
Interesting. I can't think of a single thing I wouldn't say to someone's face. 有意思。我想不出有什么话是我不能当面说出口的。
Never noticed that about you. 这点我们还真"没注意到"呢。
You know what? A-At least you guys did something. You know, you-you had a theory, you wrote a paper, you made an actual contribution. 知道吗?至少你们做出了成果。你们想到了这个理论,写出了论文,切切实实地作出了贡献。
All guys like this do is just stand on other people's work. 做那种的事的人只会对别人的作品指指点点。
He's right. I say we call this person back. We've got no reason to hide. 他说得对。要不我们给他打回去。我们又用不着躲躲藏藏的。
All right, do it. Call him. Let's find out what this loser's ever accomplished. 没错,去吧。打给他。看看这个傻瓜有过什么成就。
Click it with me. One, two, three...- Click. - Click. 和我一起点击。一 二 三...-点。-击。
Well, hello there. 哎呦,你们好啊。
Professor Hawking? 霍金教授?
Oh, brother, you should see the look on your faces. 哥们儿,照镜子瞅瞅你那什么表情啊。
You really didn't like our paper? 你真不喜欢我们的论文吗?
I like your paper very much. The premise is intriguing. 我非常喜欢你们的论文。这个假设很有趣。
Then why are you attacking us? 那你为什么还要攻击我们?
If you were sitting in a chair for 40 years, you'd get bored, too. 如果你在椅子里被困了四十年,你也会觉得无聊的。
Anyway, got to go. I promised to help the neighbor kid with his math homework. Ciao. 总之,我得走了。答应给邻居家小孩补数学课。回见。
Stephen Hawking liked our paper. Said the premise is intriguing. 史蒂芬·霍金喜欢我们的论文。说这个假设很有趣。