生活大爆炸第八季 第148期:我也爱你(在线收听

 Okay, Ma. Say hi to Aunt Gladys. Yeah, I love you, too. Bye. 好的,妈。替我跟格莱蒂斯阿姨问好。我也爱你。再见。

Your mom having fun in Florida? 你妈妈在佛罗里达玩得开心吗?
Mmm, she loves it. She finally found a place where everyone talks about how sweaty they are. 她很喜欢那里。她终于找到个春暖花开、大家都在讨论流了多少汗的地方。
Anyway, she wants us to go to the house and check in on Stuart because he might be "lonely." 总之,她是想我们回她家去看看斯图尔特会不会太"孤单"。
She's just being nice. 她只是人很好嘛。
Well, I'm her son, how come she doesn't send someone to check on me if I'm lonely? 我是他宝贝儿子,她怎么就不找人来看看我孤不孤单?
Because you have a wife. 因为你有个老婆。
Yeah, well, sometimes you work late. 是没错,可是有时候你下班好晚。
I know you don't like Stuart being in the house, but the store's about to reopen, I'm sure he'll get back on his feet. 我知道你不喜欢斯图尔特赖在你家,但他的店马上要重新开张了,我相信他很快又能自食其力。
That would be great. I'd love for things between me and Mom to get back to normal. 那就太好了。我也非常想跟我妈的关系回到正常。
Well, normal's a strong word, but sure. "正常"这词有点言过其实,但你说是就是吧。
Hey. 好啊。
Hello... 好...
You okay? 你还好吧?
If I was okay, I would've said "Hello" and not the much more ominous "Hello." 如果我还好,我会说 "好!"而不是语气很衰的"好..."
What's going on? 怎么啦?
I'm mad at Amy. 我在生艾米的气。
Did she leave pit stains in your favorite crop top, too? 她也在你最爱的露脐背心上留下腋下汗渍了吗?
No. She helped Barry Kripke make an advancement in string theory. 没有。她帮巴里·克里普奇在线理论上做出突破。
Oh, that sounds like a good thing. 听起来挺好的啊。
Well, it would be, except that I left string theory, because I decided it was a dead end. 按理来说是。可是我已经不研究弦理论了,因为我觉得那是条死路。
Yeah, she went behind my back to help someone else to prove me wrong. My rival, no less. 而她背着我帮别人证明我错了。而且那人还是我的宿敌。