英语听力精选进阶版 9835(在线收听

The authorities in Mexico have discovered 49 mutilated bodies dumped on a highway near the northern city Monterrey. Security officials say the bodies have been decapitated and have their hands cut off, making it difficult to identify them. Will Grant reports from Mexico City.

墨西哥当局在北部城市蒙特雷附近一处高速路发现49具被毁尸体,安全官员称这些尸体头颅和双手被砍,所以难以辨认。Will Grant在墨西哥城报道。

This latest massive killing is the third of its kind in Mexico a little more than a week. The gruesome discovery prompted a huge deployment of the police and the armed forces in the early hours of Sunday morning, as forensic teams worked to recover and identify the remains. At this early stage in the investigation, there is no indication of which group might have carried out the attack. But a similar event in 2010 in the state of Veracruz was blamed on fighting between the country's violent drug cartels, particularly the vast criminal network of Los Zetas.


The chief executive of the Internet giant Yahoo, Scott Thompson, is stepping down following accusation that he lied about having a computer science degree in his job application. He's being replaced for the time being by the firm's head of global media, Ross Levinsohn. Our Washington correspondent Jonathan Blake explains.

互联网巨头雅虎的总裁斯科特·汤普森辞职,原因是他被指控申请这份工作时谎称自己有计算机科学学位。暂时接替他的是公司全球媒体主管罗斯·莱文索恩。BBC驻华盛顿记者Jonathan Blake解释道:

Scott Thompson has, it seems put information on his biography that turned out not to be true. He claimed to have an accounting and computer science degree, when in fact, he only has a degree in accounting. And Yahoo has, in the last few days, made it clear that that information was incorrect. What is not clear is whether he put it there deliberately or it came from somewhere else. Scott Thompson himself blames a headhunting company. But that headhunting company has denied that claim.


The army in Uganda says it has captured a senior commander of the rebel Lord's Resistance Army, a group that has been killing and abducting people for more than 20 years. Military officials say Caesar Achellam, described as one of the top 5 LRA leaders, was caught in an ambush in the Central African Republic.

乌干达军队称逮捕了叛军“上帝抵抗军”的一名高级指挥官,该组织20多年来一直进行滥杀与绑架活动。军方官员称据说是“上帝抵抗军”五大领导人之一的Caesar Achellam在中非共和国一场突袭中被擒。

The English Premiership football season has ended in dramatic fashion with Manchester City taking their first title in 44 years. They were trailing Queen's Park Rangers as their final game went into injury time , which would have given the title to their close rivals, Manchester United. But City scored twice in the dying minutes to snatch victory. The BBC's Mike Ingham was watching.

英超足球赛季戏剧性结束,曼城队44年内首次夺冠。决赛进入补时阶段时,曼彻斯特队还在女王公园巡游者之后,而本来有望获胜的是对手曼联。但曼城队在最后时刻连进两球取得胜利。Mike Ingham在现场报道。

The season comes down to these moments now. And in goals Aguero. Ohhh! AGUERO HAS SCORED FOR MANCHESTER CITY! SERGIO AGUERO, WITH SECONDS TO GO, HAVE (has) ENDED 44 YEARS OF HEARTBREAK. What a moment for the son-in-law, for Diego Maradona, for the people kissing and hugging in front of us. Manchester City beat QPR by 3 goals to 2, and right at the end, the man from Argentina – it looks like he's done it. Mike Ingham


You're listening to World News from the BBC.

Crucial talks in Greece to try to form a new government are to resume on Monday. President Karolos Papoulias spent much of Sunday in talks with leaders of the country's smaller parties after failing to persuade the three main political parties to form an emergency coalition. The BBC correspondent in Athens says these negotiations are the last chance to avoid fresh elections, which could bring an anti-bailout party to power and risk Greece leaving the eurozone.


The German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democrat Party has suffered a major setback in regional elections in Germany's most popular state, North Rhine-Westphalia. It was the worst result ever for the CDU in the state. From Berlin, here's Stephen Evans.

德国总理默克尔所属的保守派基督教民主党在德国人口最大州威斯特法伦州的地区选举中遭受重大挫折。这是该党在该州表现最差的一次。Stephen Evans在柏林报道。

Support for Chancellor Merkel's party fell from about a third of voters to a quarter. The Social Democrats and Greens, in contrast, maintained their share of the vote after campaigning for public spending. At the end of it all, the signal sent can't be anything but worrying for Chancellor Merkel as she tries to maintain her coalition in the national parliament, the Bundestag.


Protesters have gathered again in the Spanish capital Madrid following big anti-austerity rallies around the country on Saturday. The crowds are much smaller than the tens of thousands that gathered in several Spanish cities the previous day. The demonstrators are marking the anniversary of the protest movement, known as the 'indignados', or 'outraged'.


At least two people have been killed in clashes in Lebanon between groups from rival districts in the city of Tripoli. The fighting broke out after Lebanese security forces arrested a Sunni cleric, who's reported to have been helping Syrian refugees.


President Obama's counter terrorism advisor, John Brennan, has arrived in Yemen for talks as the two sides step up their offensive against al-Qaeda-linked insurgence in the country. Yemen is attempting to wrest back control of the south from militants.


