英语听力精选进阶版 9839(在线收听

The opposition Nationalist candidate in Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic, has unexpectedly won the Serbian presidential election. Nick Thorpe reports from Budapest.

塞尔维亚民族主义者候选人托米斯勒·尼科力克意外赢得总统大选。Nick Thorpe在布达佩斯报道。

Tomislav Nikolic has claimed victory, and in his first remarks, said 'Serbia will not stray from its European path' – that is clearly an attempt to soothe observers in Western Europe and the United States who see him as an unknown quantity. Boris Tadic has now admitted defeat. As president, Boris Tadic has made major progress towards EU membership for Serbia – almost expected to win reelection by a small but comfortable margin. Mr Nikolic is a former Nationalist who had steered his progressive party towards the political center.


President Obama has warned of 'hard days ahead' for Afghanistan at the start of a Nato summit in Chicago to discuss future strategy for the country. Addressing a news conference with the Afghan President Hamid Karzai, President Obama said Nato was confidence it was going in the right direction. President Kaizai said Afghanistan came to the summit as a sovereign country, and was committed to the withdrawal of its Nato partners in 2014, but was also conscious of the challenges that would bring.


"Afghanistan is fully aware of the task here and of what Afghanistan needs to do to reach the objectives that we all have a stable, peaceful and self-reliant Afghanistan."


The Libyan man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing in 1988 has died. Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was the only person found guilty of the attack on an American airliner over the Scottish town of Lockerbie that killed 270 people. He denied involvement, but was sentenced to life imprisonment. After being diagnosed with terminal cancer, Mr al-Megrahi was freed three years ago on compassionate grounds.

因1988年洛克比爆炸案获罪的利比亚男子已经去世。一架在苏格兰洛克比镇上空飞行的美国飞机遭遇袭击,造成270人丧生,Abdelbaset al-Megrah是唯一确认有罪之人。他否认涉嫌袭击,但已被判终身监禁。al-Megrahi后被确诊癌症晚期,三年前出于同情获释。

The head of the United Nations nuclear agency, Yukiya Amano, says he hopes to achieve progress on the issue of inspecting Iran's nuclear program during his talks in Tehran on Monday. Speaking before he left Vienna for Tehran, Mr Amano said his visit would help reach an agreement. Bethany Bell reports from Vienna.

联合国核机构总干事天野之弥称,希望周一在德黑兰的会谈能在检查伊朗核问题上取得进展。天野之弥离开维也纳赴德黑兰之前表示,这次访问将促成一项协议。Bethany Bell在维也纳报道。

For more than four years, Iran has refused to provide the IAEA access to relevant sites, officials and documents. But now, Mr Amano says there's been good progress in their latest round of talks. He says he's hopeful his visit to Tehran could help reach agreement on clearing up the questions about Iran's nuclear program, although he admitted nothing was certain. Iran denies charges that it's working towards nuclear weapons.


A Syrian human rights group says at least 16 people have been killed in the government shelling of a village in the central province of Hama. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said some of the victims were children. The incident has not been independently verified.

World News from the BBC

Thousands of people left homeless by a powerful earthquake in northern Italy will be sleeping tonight in makeshift shelters as aftershocks continue to spread fear in the region. At least six people were killed and more than 50 injured. The magnitude six quake had its epicenter near the city of Modena. Our correspondent Alan Johnston is in a neighboring town.


Moments after we arrived, there was another aftershock. There was a sound of masonry crashing down a few streets away. In one square, an old club tower stood half-destroyed by the quake. A small crowd that gathered was looking on at the ruin. And just as we joined them, another aftershock struck. In front of us, what remained of the tower collapsed, tumbling down in a shower of bricks and timbers , and sending a great cloud of dust rolling across the square.


Three trainee skydivers taking their first jump have died along with their instructor and pilot when their light aircraft crashed shortly after takeoff from an airstrip in Bosnia. Bosnian police said the plane burst into flames . Families who had gathered to watch the jump witnessed the crash.


The government of Pakistan has lifted a nationwide ban on the social media website Twitter within hours of imposing it. No reason was given for reversing the earlier decision, which wasn't explained either. But correspondents say the ban appeared to be linked to messages posted on Twitter which were deemed offensive to Islam about a competition on Facebook in 2010, inviting users to submit images of the Prophet Muhammad.

People in the Dominican Republic have been voting to choose a new president in a tight race between two old political rivals. No major incidents have been reported, and turnout is expected to be high. Opinion polls suggest the candidate of the governing party, Danilo Medina, is likely to get most votes, but not enough to avoid a runoff next month.


