英语听力精选进阶版 9847(在线收听

President Obama says he and the Russian leader Vladimir Putin have agreed on the need to end the violence in Syria. Mr Obama said both the United States and Russia wanted to see a political solution in Syria and would work with other international actors to try to achieve this. Sitting beside him, Mr Putin said that he had found many points in common on Syria during talks before the G20 summit in Mexico.


World leaders meeting in Mexico have urged European countries to take all necessary measures to overcome the debt crisis in the eurozone. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that a new Greek government must honor commitments made to international lenders. Bridget Kendall reports.


Whatever happens next in Greece, pressure in mounting on the eurozone at the summit to sort out its problems before they start to sink the world economy. A draft communication suggests G20 leaders will call on Europe to do whatever it takes to end the crisis. In the sidelines, President Obama has requested a meeting later tonight with European leaders that outlined American concerns. A numerous leaders expressed impatience and alarm at the lack of a quick and decisive solution. It's all criticism that has put EU leaders here on the defensive. The president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, said in some irritation , that EU leaders haven't come to Mexico to be given a lecture.


King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has appointed his half-brother, Prince Salman, as the new heir to the throne following the death of Crown Prince Nayef at the weekend. The announcement said that the prince would also continue his current post as defense minister. Sebastian Usher reports.

沙特皇储纳耶夫王子周末去世后,国王阿布杜拉任命同父异母的兄弟萨尔曼亲王为王位新继承人。声明表示,亲王将继续担任目前的国防部长一职。Sebastian Usher报道。

The appointment of the 76-year-old Prince Salman comes less than 24 hours after his predecessor Prince Nayef was buried. Prince Salman is seen as a conservative pragmatist with a warmer public profile perhaps than Prince Nayef whose main role was to enforce security. But he too, is one of the aging sons of the founder of the modern Saudi state King Abdul Aziz, as all the kingdom's leaders have been. Today's simple announcement has again postponed for potentially difficult but inevitable transition to a younger generation.


A senior Vatican official has spoken of a fierce attempt to sow divisions between Pope Benedict and his closest associates. Cardinal Bertone, the Vatican secretary of state, was responding to the recent leaking of sensitive documents. Cardinal Bertone rejected suggestions that senior clerics were behind the leaks.


The trial of the Bosnian Serb former commander Ratko Mladic in The Hague has been suspended until further notice. The case has been due to resume next week. Last month, it was halted when it emerged the prosecution had failed to disclose evidence to the defense. The Hague tribunal said the latest delay was also related to the disclosure of evidence without giving further details. Ratko Mladic is charged with war crimes.


This is the World News from the BBC.

President Obama's first choice to be the next American ambassador to Iraq, Brett McGurk, has withdrawn from the selection process. Mr McGurk, a long-time Iraq expert, said that he was stepping down in the interest of his family in the United States. Republican politicians had objected to his nomination, citing concerns about his judgment and passed allegations of impropriety.


With most votes counted in Egypt's presidential election, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Mohammed Mursi, appears to be heading for a narrow victory. His supporters are already celebrating in Tahrir Square in Cairo, although the official result is not due until Thursday. The ruling military council has restated its commitment to hand over power at the end of this month despite accusations from opposition groups that it staged a coup by giving itself sweeping new powers. Mona Makamebiet is on the advisory panel to the ruling military council.

埃及总统选举已清点了大多数选票,穆斯林兄弟组织候选人穆罕默德·穆尔西显然将险胜。虽然官方结果要到周四才出来,他的支持者已经在开罗塔里尔广场进行庆贺。执政军事委员会重申将于本月底将大权交出的承诺,但反对派组织指责说,执政军事委员会发动的这场政变,不过是给自己更多的权力。Mona Makamebiet是执政军事委员会顾问组成员。

"What is happening now is a potential power struggle over these years of authority between Egypt's two strongest forces. They are not new. There've been two strongest rival forces for the past 60 years. So the question is how will the Muslim Brother(hood) get along with the generals, because they seem to be wiling to get into a confrontation."


The European Union has said that there has been a tough exchange of views on the opening day of talks about Iran's nuclear program. An Iranian negotiator said the talks, which have been held in Moscow, were serious and constructive. Iran has been asked to suspend any enrichment of uranium above the level needed for a power generation. For its part, Iran wants an end to sanctions and recognition of what it says is its rights to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes.


At the Euro 2012 foot tournament in Poland, the reigning champions, Spain, have reached the quarter finals. They beat Croatia 1-0 with a goal in the final minutes. Italy also qualified thanks to a 2-0 win over Ireland.

