英语听力精选进阶版 9852(在线收听

Egypt's president-elect Mohamed Morsi from the Muslim Brotherhood has taken an informal oath of office before tens of thousands of supporters in Tahrir Square in Cairo. Mr Morsi declared that there was no power above people power, telling the crowd that they were now the source of sovereignty and authority in Egypt. All Egyptians, he said, would be treated equally.

埃及来自于穆斯林兄弟会的新选举总统Mohamed Morsi在开罗德黑兰广场上万名支持者面前正式宣誓就职。Morsi总统对人群宣称,人民的权力凌驾于一切权力之上,因此他们才是埃及主权和当局的真正主人。他还表示,政府将平等对待所有埃及人。

"All those who voted for me and all those who didn't, I am for you. No one's legal rights will be transgressed. This is democracy."


Mr Morsi, who's Egypt's first civilian president, has his official inauguration on Saturday.


In a further boost to overcome the eurozone debt crisis, the lower house of the German parliament has decisively approved two of Chancellor Angela Merkel's key policies. They voted in favour of a permanent eurozone rescue fund as well as the fiscal pact which aims to prevent countries from running up excessive debts. But the pact still faces political obstacles, as Steve Evans reports from Berlin.

为进一步克服欧元债务,德国下议院果断通过了总理默克尔核心政策中的两项议案。他们投票支持欧元区的永久救市资金以及旨在防止其他国家债务过度增长的财政政策。不过这项财政政策仍然遭遇政治阻碍,Steve Evan从柏林报道。

The so-called fiscal pact is the measure by which Chancellor Merkel set such great store as the means to put economies in the eurozone back on their feet. But there are still problems in Germany. In that the country's president has indicated he won't sign it into law until a legal position is clarified. It all illustrates just how hard it is for Chancellor Merkel to get measures she thinks are essential through the German democratic procedure.


The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says he believes there's a good chance of finding common ground on Syria at talks in Geneva on Saturday, but he warned against trying to impose any outcome in advance. Mr Lavrov was speaking after meeting the American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in St Petersburg. Here's Steve Rosenberg.

俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫认为,很有可能在周六举行日内瓦叙利亚问题谈话,找到共同点。不过他提醒不要提前企图得到任何结果。拉夫罗夫是在圣?比德堡会见了美国国务卿后说此番话的。Steve Rosenberg报道。

Russia's role is vital because it has influence in Damascus which the other players don't. It supplies Syria with weapons and political support. While Russia's veto at the UN Security Council has already been used as a counter-weight to Western pressure, recent rhetoric between Russia and America suggests that East and West still don't agree on the key question - the fate of President Assad.


Gunmen in Kenya have kidnapped four international aid workers at the Dadaab refugee camp in the north of the country. The aid workers were seized when an aid agency convoy was ambushed as it drove through the sprawling camp. A Kenyan driver for the agency, the Norwegian Refugee Council, was killed. The Somali Islamist group al-Shabab is often blamed for kidnappings in the area.


World News from the BBC

Paraguay has been suspended from the South American trading bloc Mercosur a week after the impeachment of President Fernando Lugo described by regional leaders as a parliamentary coup. The presidents of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay said Paraguay will remain outside the bloc until the next presidential election in April, but they decided not to impose sanctions. They also announced that Venezuela would now become a full member of Mercosur.

巴拉圭当地领袖报告弹劾总统Fernando Lugo实为国会政变的一周后,巴拉圭已被南美贸易集团“南方共同市场”暂时取消贸易资格。阿根延,巴西及乌拉圭的总统们表示,直到明年四月下一届总统选举,巴拉圭将被贸易集团排除在外,不过他们不决定对其实施制裁。几国还宣布委内瑞拉将被纳入旗下。

The brother of the American fraudster Bernard Madoff has pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy and falsifying records and has agreed to serve 10 years in prison. But Peter Madoff said he'd not known his brother's decades-long securities business was a sham until his brother told him it had collapsed in 2008. From New York, here's the BBC's Nada Tawfik.

美国诈骗贩Bernard Madoff 的弟弟目前已被宣布同谋罪及违造假记录成立,判处10年监禁。但是Peter Madoff称,直到2008年哥哥告诉他证券公司早已倒闭后,他才知道哥哥经营几十年的证券公司是个空架子。

Bernie Madoff maintained no one else knew of his elaborate Ponzi scheme that defrauded investors of $20bn, but prosecutors were never convinced. Peter Madoff helped to run his brother's Wall Street firm, but in a New York court he told the judge he was in total shock when Bernie Madoff revealed he had defrauded investors of billions of dollars, and that he was deeply ashamed and terribly sorry. But the FBI says Peter Madoff was one of the chief architects of the scheme, signing his name to documents that certified the firm's investment balances.

Bernie Madoff一口咬定没人知道他的精心策划的庞氏骗局(骗取投资者共计200亿美元),但是检察官们并不相信。Peter Madoff帮助其哥哥经营在华尔街的公司。然而在纽约法庭上,他告诉法官,当得知哥哥诈骗了投资人上亿美元时,他非常震惊,感到耻辱,并对受害者万分道歉。不过FBI透露Peter Madoff实际上是这场骗局怕主要设计师这一,公司的投资资金表上有他的签名。

The Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has made clear through his spokeswoman that he will continue to seek political asylum in Ecuador. He's wanted in Sweden for alleged sexual offences. Today British police requested that he report to a London police station, but his spokeswoman told the media that Mr Assange feared this would eventually lead to his extradition to the United States on espionage charges.

维基解密的建立者Julian Assange通过发言人清楚表明,他将继续在厄瓜多尔寻求政府庇护。他在瑞士因数项性骚扰指控罪被通辑。英国警方今天要求他去英国当地警察局报道,不过他的反言人告诉媒体,Assange先生担心这样会造成他因间谍指控罪被引渡至美国。

The film star Tom Cruise and his wife actress Katie Holmes are getting divorced after five years of marriage. They have a six-year-old daughter. Cruise has been married twice before to Nicole Kidman and Mimi Rogers.


