英语听力精选进阶版 9857(在线收听

In an apparent challenge to the powerful military in Egypt, the country's newly-elected Islamist president Mohammed Mursi is ordering the parliament to reconvene . This order goes against the ruling last month. But the constitutional court says that the parliament is illegitimate. John Lien reports from Cairo.

埃及新当选的伊斯兰总统穆尔西对军队发起挑战,命令议会重新集会,这道命令上月违反了规定,但宪法法院说议会是非法的。John Lien在开罗报道。

This noon vice president Mursi suggests he is on course with a new confrontation with military council, barely a week after he was swearing into office. Just before he was elected, military dissolve parliament by the constitutional court. Mahammad Mursie in the Muslim brotherhood who dominated parliament has never accepted the decision. Now it appears that the new president wants to assert his power. According to the military party the Muslim brotherhood, parliament could be reconvened as early as tomorrow.


The authorities in Nigeria had posed an overnight curfew in Plato state after two Nigerian politicians died during an attack by gun men on a funeral for dozens of people killed near the city of Jobs. The officials said the attack was carried out by herdsmen from Volnanie ethnic group. Will Ross reports from Lagos.

尼日利亚当局下令Plato州实施宵禁,原因是两名尼日利亚政客在一场袭击中被武装人员杀死,这场袭击发生在一场葬礼上,这场葬礼是为几十名在Jobs市附近被杀的。官方称袭击者是 Volnanie少数族裔的牧人。Will Ross在拉各斯报道。

A military spokesman confirmed the deaths of the senator from governing party Gyang Dantong and another politician from the regional government. The two men had just attended the funeral for 37 people from Boro ethnic group. They were killed by gunmen on Saturday. The spokesmen said after the burial, shooting broke out. The two politicians died not for bullets but from shock. The Christian Boron people have been in a psycho of violence with Muslim Volnanie herdsmen. They were in dispute over ownership of the land of Plato State and over the access to resources.

军队发言人确认执政党参议员Gyang Dantong和地区政府的另一政客死亡一事,这两人刚参加了少数族裔Boro37人的葬礼,周六他们被枪手杀死。发言人说,葬礼过后就发生了枪击事件,这两人不是死于子弹,而是死于休克。信奉基督教的Boron人与穆斯林Volnanie牧人之间一直暴力不断。他们因Plato州土地的所有权问题和资源权利而争执。

The Likud Party of the Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has unanimously approved the plan would end exemption from conscription from ultra-Orthodox Jews and Arab Israelis. This issue is becoming increasingly controversial in Israel with demonstrations by thousands who serve in the army demanding all Israelis should burden off military service.


The international envoy to Syria Kofi Annan has arrived in Damascus for the third visit aim to try to resolve the crisis in Syria. On Saturday Mr. Annan acknowledged his peace plan as so far failed to stop the violence. Here’s Jim Muir.

国际赴叙利亚使者科菲·安南第三次抵达大马士革,试图解决叙利亚的危机。周六,安南承认到目前为止他的和平方案已经失败。Jim Muir报道。

The cease fire which is the center of Mr. Annan’s six-point plan has collapsed completely.In recognition of that, UN observer mission which was supposed to be monitoring compliance with it has been grounded. Having failed to pave a way for a political dialogue by ending the violence, the emphasis is now the other way around on trying to get the political right in hope of that will pacify the situation on the ground . So Mr.Anna is focusing on the arrangement for a political transition through creation of some kind unity government that will bring together loyalists and opposition elements.


World news from the BBC

Six American soldiers have killed by roadside bomb in the east Afghanistan according to US officials. One NATO soldier died in another attack earlier on Sunday, and 18 Afghanistan civilians were killed by three roadside bombs in the province of Kandahar.


Several thousand of survivals of the Srebrenica massacre have marked its 17th anniversary by march through the hill of eastern Bosnia,re-enacting the grueling scheme of Bosnia Serb forces led by General Ratko Mlalic. Around 8,000 Muslim men and boys were killed by Serb troops after they overran the United Nations enclave of Serebrenica. Local Serbs have their own rival events today commemorating more than three thousands of soldiers and civilians who died in three-year war.


It is now over 170 people were killed by the recent flooding in Russian Krasnodar region. A BBC correspondent to reach worst affective town of Krymsk, said it looks as though a tsunami had struck.


The Swiss tennis star Roger Federer has won his seventh Wimbledon singles title, dashing British hope. And his Scottish player, Andy Murray, might become the first Britain to win the championship in over 70 years. The Swiss won three consecutive sets after Murray claimed the first. He’s now equal Peter Sampras’s record of seven wins at Wimbledon. In an emotional speech on the Centre Court, Murray thanked the British public for their support and jokingly told the crowd he was getting closer to a Grand Slam win before giving this emotional message.


Every body always talks about the pressure playing at Wimbledon, how tough is. But I’m … But it’s not the people watching. They make it so much easier to play. The support is being incredible, so, thank you.


