英语听力精选进阶版 9862(在线收听

President Obama and his rival Mitt Romney have cancelled events in their election campaign because of the mass killing at a cinema in the state of Colorado. Mr. Romney asked people to pray for the victims and their relatives. Mr. Obama said he was shocked and saddened by the shooting that killed 12 people injured 59 others during the screening of the latest Batman film in Aurora, Denver.


We are still gathering all the facts about what happened in Aurora. But what we do know is the police have one suspect in custody and the federal government stands ready to do whatever is necessary to bring whoever responsible for this heinous crime to justice.


A man called James Holmes was arrested near the scene carrying fire arms.


Syrian government forces are marching to retake control of parts of capital of Damascus and borders crossing seized by rebels. State television said forces loyal to President Assad have retaken the Midan district in central Damascus, an aired footage of burned and blooded bodies in the streets. Jim Muir is monitoring the events from Lebanon.

Matters on the first day of Ramadan, this man screamed looking at bodies strewn on the street as bullets flew around. This was in Hali Benwali Street in the very hot of Damascus. Although some parts of the city remained relatively quiet, there was no shortage of action in other areas. Fighting was also reported in the second city Allepo. That is a bad news for the regime. Damascus and Allepo are the two main pillars standing relatively unscathed through 16 months of uprising until last weekend.

Thousands of Syrians are fleeing the fighting in Damascus where anti government rebels are trying to topple the government of President Assad. As many as 30,000 Syrians are reported to cross into neighbouring Lebanon. But the United Nations refugee agency the UNHCR is talking of a lower number of some 8,500.

The borrowing costs for Spain have risen to record highs; just its former approval has been given for a bailout of its banks. Eurozone finance ministers endorsed a loan up to 120 billion dollars, but the move failed to rally Spain's stock market which punched nearly 6%. Andrew Walker reports.

西班牙的借贷成本已达到历史新高;之前刚批准对其银行救市:欧元区各国财务部长批了高达1200亿美元,但是此举却没能重振暴跌了6%西班牙股票市场。Andrew Walker报道。

Critics of European economic policy that often say their consistently running to catch up with the financial markets. And now investors are already looking beyond this Spanish banking bailout. They are increasingly concerned that the government might need additional help for these financial needs beyond repairing the banks. One growing concern is the stated regional government finances; they are likely to need additional support from Madrid. The government has also downgraded its economic forecasts. Weaker growth which hit tax revenues can make it even hard to bring down the central government budget deficit.


This is the world news from the BBC.

A departing senior economist of the International Monetary Fund has accused it of suppressing warning ahead of global financial crisis and the crisis in the eurozone. Peter Doyle, who is leaving after 20 years, says he is ashamed to have had any association with the IMF. In a resignation letter, he has said the difficulties have been identified well in advance, not warning about them have been a failure of the first order.

国际货币基金组织即将离任的资深经济学家指控该组织在全球金融危机及欧元区危机之前,压制了危机预警。在IMF工作了20年的Peter Doyle,在离开时说,他为与IMF有任何关系而感到羞耻。在一封辞职信中,他写道,困难已提前被确定了,最重大的失败就是没有就他们进行警告。

More than 20 people have died in a traffic accident in Mexico. A bus carrying tourists came off the road and into a ditch in Nayarit state. At least 24 people were confirmed dead and 14 people injured. The passengers were heading to a beach north of Puerto Vallarta.


European Union diplomats say they expect the restrictions on development aid to Zimbabwe to be lifted soon. There was speaking ahead of a meeting of EU foreign ministers on Monday which is expected to vote in favor of allowing the EU to deliver aid directed to the Zimbabwe government, and current sanctions aid money has to be directed through non governmental organizations. The EU may also suspend sanctions imposed on about hundreds Zimbabweans if a referendum modern new constitution is credible.


And the Olympic flame has arrived in London, a week before the opening ceremony of Olympic Games. It was brought to the Tower of London in a Royal Navy helicopter as Rob Broomby reports.

The Royal Navy seeking helicopters brought the Olympic flame down the town in the orange light of evening. Then the 12 minutes past 8 local time or 20:12, two Royal Marine abseiled from the hovering aircraft the 16m to the Tower of London with the flame and its safe holder. The torch was then lit and carried by the British double-gold-medal winner Dame Kelly Holmes around the historic walls to the cheers of the crowd below. The flames went in the night in the ceremony of office of the Queen's house here, the safe as the Crown Jewels nearby. Londoners have waited as the nation went torch crazy, now the city of 2012 gets its turn.

离奥运会开幕高还有一周,奥运火炬已经抵达伦敦,它将由皇家海军直升机放至伦敦塔。Rob Broomby报道。


