英语听力精选进阶版 9870(在线收听

The closing ceremony of the London Olympic Games is underway featuring miniature landmark buildings of the capital and medley of British musical acts. During the ceremony of the Olympic flag will be passed on to Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Games. The United  States topped the medal's table with 46 golds followed by China and Britain. Rob Broomby is at the closing ceremony.

伦敦奥运闭幕式在首都微型标志性建筑里举行,英国的音乐家们在这里表演节目。闭幕式上,奥运会旗将交接给举办2016奥运会的里约热内卢。美国以46枚金牌排名第一,其次是中国和英国。Rob Broomby在闭幕式上报道。

Busy Streets, transport chaos and traffic jams kicked off the closing ceremony all set to music inside the Olympic Stadium. There was maverlous too, the band that is, plus acrobats, choreography dancers and an early appearance by RayDavies of 1960 through the Kinks. London is saying goodby to the Olympics with spectacle, charm and decibels.


The British Prime Minister David Cameron has hosted a conference on world hunger as part of the legacy of the London Olympics. Mr Cameron called on the world to take decisive action to transform the lives of millions of children. The aim of the summit is to raise enough money to prevent 25 million under-5s from suffering stunted growth before the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil.


The Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has sacked (to) the powerful defense minister, Field Marshall Mohamad Hussein Tantawi and his deputy. Filed Marshall Tantawi took control of the government when the former President Hosni Mubarak was ousted last year. They had previously served as defense minister. Nader Omran is a spokesman for Mr Morsi's party, the Muslim Brotherhood. He says it's a moment Egyptians have been demanding.

埃及总统穆罕默德·穆尔西解雇大权在握的国防部长穆罕默德·侯赛因·坦塔维元帅及其副手。去年前总统穆巴拉克被逐时政府由坦塔维元帅控制,他们之前曾任国防部长。Nader Omran是穆尔西所属的穆斯林兄弟组织的发言人,他说这个时刻是埃及人一直渴望的。

"It is a right decision which the Egyptian people have waited for long to be applied. And actually, (to) tell you the truth, it came sooner than we'd thought. We thought that would take months before he and Mr. Mursi can take these steps. But we are extremely happy with the decision here."Mr Morsi also announced that he was cancelling constitutional amendments brought in by the military which sought to limit the powers of the president.


A Turkish member of parliament from the main opposition Republican People's Party has been kidnapped by the armed wing of the Kurdish separatist group PKK. The governor of the province of Tunceli said Huseyin Aygun, who is of Kurdish origin, was abducted after visiting a village in his home province. Bethany Bell has this report.

土耳其主要反对派人民共和党的一名议员遭到库尔德分裂主义组织PKK武装派别的绑架。Tunceli省省长说库尔德血统的Huseyin Aygun在访问家乡省份一个村庄后被绑架。Bethany Bell报道。

Mr Aygun, a pro-Kurdish activist and lawyer from the main opposition Republican People's Party, is a surprising target. In the past, the PKK has kidnapped soldiers, journalists and other civilians, but this is believed to be the first time they've abducted a member of parliament. The incident comes at a time of rising tension between the PKK and the Turkish army, as Kurds just over the border in northern Syria are beginning to call for more autonomy.


World News from the BBC

The Nigerian security forces say they have killed 20 suspected militants from the Islamist Boko Haram group in the northeastern Borno state. A security official said the militants were killed during a gun battle near Maiduguri as soldiers raided an Islamist hideout . Boko Haram has been waging an insurgency against the government and killed hundreds of people in gun and bomb attacks in the predominantly Muslim north and more recently, in the capital Abuja.


The authorities in Iran say their main focus after Saturday's devastating earthquakes is to provide food and shelter to thousands of survivors. More than 300 people died and over 2,000 were injured. Our world affairs correspondent Peter Biles has this report.

伊朗当局称,周六摧毁性的地震发生后,目前的主要问题是向数万名幸存者提供食物和住处。300多人在地震中死亡,2000多人受伤。BBC世界事务记者Peter Biles报道。

The two earthquakes have struck just 11 minutes apart. Scores of villages were damaged. Some north of the provincial capital Tabriz are said to have been flattened completely. The rural areas were the worst affected by the earthquakes, but Iranian officials say search and rescue operations are ending. Most people have apparently been unaccounted for, and the authorities are now concentrating on getting shelter and emergency supplies to the survivors. About 16,000 people have been helped so far.


The mayor-elect of a city in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi has been killed. Edgar Morales Perez was shot dead along with his campaign manager, Francisco Hernandez, when gunmen opened fire as they drove home from a party. The motive for the attack is unknown. San Luis Potosi has made mostly been spared much of the violence which more northern states have seen, but last week, 14 bodies were dumped by a main road.

墨西哥圣路易斯波托西州民选市长被杀。埃德加·莫拉莱斯·佩雷斯与竞选主席Francisco Hernandez聚会结束后开始回家,他们在路上遭到武装分子的枪击。这次袭击的动机仍不清楚,最近其他北部州都遭到暴力袭击,而圣路易斯波托西州却不多见,但是上周,有14具尸体被扔到一条主干道上。

Saudi media are reporting that King Abdullah has ordered $50m worth of aid to be sent to the Muslim minority of Burma, Rohingya. Tens of thousands of Rohingya have fled sectarian violence in Burma where they are not recognized as citizens, and are considered to be stateless.


