生活大爆炸第八季 第178期:我愿意道歉(在线收听

 Two one six four two zero one nine eight nine. And that, little lady, is pi to a thousand places. 2164201989。小姐,这就是π小数点后一千位数。

I'd say I'm sorry I asked, except I didn't. 如果这问题是我向你问的,那我愿意道歉。可我连问都没问。
Oh, look, it's the Scientific American that covered the paper Leonard and I wrote. 这是刊登了我跟莱纳德合写论文的科普杂志《科学美国人》。
Oh, let me see. 给我看看。
I have mixed feelings about doing interviews. I like the part where I talk. I do not like the part where the other man talks. 其实当时面谈我情绪挺复杂。我享受我滔滔不绝的时刻,但我讨厌对方说话我得听的时刻。
Sheldon, this article doesn't mention Leonard at all. 谢尔顿,这篇文章完全没提到莱纳德。
Well, that can't be right. 怎么可能。
It only refers to "Dr. Cooper and his team." Did you even talk about him? 里面只写了"库珀博士与其团队"。你中间有提过他吗?
All I did was answer a few questions about the theory. 我就回答了几个跟我们理论有关的问题。
And then expressed my gratitude that Scientific American doesn't include any of those smelly perfume cards. 然后表达了我对《科学美国人》杂志中并不会附上难闻香水卡片的感激之意。
Poor Leonard. 莱纳德真可怜。
Why? The theory he came up with just got mentioned in Scientific American. He ought to be thrilled. 哪里可怜了?他想出来的理论被《科学美国人》刊登了呢。他应该会爽到飞起来。
He might not be. 他很可能不会太爽。
Oh, maybe you're right. He is kind of a lump. 可能你说的对。他这人挺傻的。
Think about it. How would you feel if you were referred to as part of Leonard's team? 你想想嘛。如果哪天你被人一笔带过,仅被称为"莱纳德博士团队中的一员"呢?
Oh, I'd be incensed. 我会怒火烧尽九重天。
So you see what I'm getting at? 那你现在懂我想表达的意思了吗?
Squeaky wheel gets the grease? "会哭的孩子有奶吃"吗?
No. 不是。
Grass is always greener? "这山望着那山高"吗?
Try again. 再想想。
Well, I don't know, we're all Groot? Just tell me. 我不知道啦。我们全都是格鲁特吗?你就直说吧。(《银河护卫队》中的树精)
Leonard is as much a part of this paper as you are, and he was overlooked. He's going to feel bad. 你们俩对这篇论文做出了同等的贡献,而他却被人忽略了。他会不开心的。
But it wasn't my fault. I didn't exclude him. And I didn't write the article. 但这又不是我的错,我又没故意不提他。而且这篇报导也不是我写的。
Remember that time you didn't get picked to pull the sword out of the stone at Disneyland and they let that other kid do it? 还记得你在迪士尼乐园时,他们没选你,而是选了另一个孩子去拔出石中剑吗?
Oh, that kid! Poor Leonard. 那个死孩子!可怜的莱纳德。
Exactly. 就是啊。
For the record, that kid was a terrible choice. If you cry when you drop your churro, you do not have what it takes to rule England. 不得不说,选那孩子真是个烂决定。如果你糖油条掉地上就会哭,你绝对没那个本事去统治英国(亚瑟王)。