生活大爆炸第八季 第179期:我也不介意这事(在线收听

 Thanks for helping us sort through all my mom's stuff. 谢谢你帮忙整理我妈的遗物。

Of course. I know what it's like having to go through a loved one's possessions. 应该的。我明白那种整理亲爱的人的遗物的感觉。
My uncle was a worshipper of Krishna. But after he died, you know what we found? A statue of Shiva. 我叔叔曾是黑天神的崇拜者。但在他死后,你猜我们发现了什么?一尊湿婆的雕像。(黑天神:印度神祇,是三大主神中毗湿奴的化身;湿婆:印度神祇,三大主神之一)
It may not be Crips and Bloods, okay? But in India, it's a thing. 虽然比不上黑帮争斗,但在印度,这也不是小事好吗。( Crips and Bloods是美国两大黑帮组织,二者矛盾由来已久)
Well, it'll be good that you're there. Howard's been having trouble deciding what to keep and what to let go. 你在场也挺好的。霍华德对于判断物件的取舍还挺费劲的。
Well, it's hard. A lot of Ma's stuff brings back fond memories. 是很难啊。很多妈的东西都能让我回忆起许多美好往事。
Is that why you couldn't get rid of her drawer full of ketchup packets? 这就是为什么你一直舍不得清掉她塞满番茄酱的抽屉吗?
Yes. It reminds me of us eating out and her saying, "Quick, nobody's looking, fill your pockets with ketchup." 是啊。那让我回忆起跟她一起出去吃饭,她说"快,没人在看,能拿多少包是多少。"
Leonard? Have you ever noticed that only my name is on the cable bill? 莱纳德?你可曾注意到过有线台账单上只有我的名字吗?
Yeah. 有啊。
Good, good. And your name is on the electric bill and mine isn't. And I'm okay with that. 很好,那就好。而电费单上只有你的名字而我的不在上面。而我也不介意这事。
Actually, your name is on the electric bill. 其实电费单上是你的名字。
Oh, right. This is a disaster. 对哦。真要命。
I don't even know what you're talking about and I agree. 我同意,虽然我都不知道你在说什么。
Okay, I have to tell you something, but you're not going to like it. 好吧,我要跟你说件事,但你听了一定会不高兴。
What's going on? 怎么了?
An article was just published in Scientific American about our theory. 《科学美国人》上刊登了一篇关于我们理论的文章。
Did they hate it? 是恶评吗?
No. No, they loved it. They, uh, couldn't say enough nice things about it. 不,是好评。简直要把我们的理论夸上天了。
So what's the problem? 那问题到底在哪?