生活大爆炸第八季 第183期:出了个点子(在线收听

 All he had was an idea. 他不就出了个点子吗。

Well, that is an important part. 点子也是很重要的啊。
Oh, please! I have ideas all day long. Reverse SeaWorld where dolphins are allowed to pet people.  拜托!我脑子里天天都有新点子。反转海洋公园 (里面的海豚可以摸摸人类)。
A new clothing size between medium and large called Marge. 添加一个新尺寸,在中号和大号间加入中大号。
Snow White retold from the point of view of Sneezy. Why won't Doc prescribe him something? We finally find out. 从小矮人中喷嚏精的角度重述《白雪公主》。为什么万事通从不给他开药治喷嚏呢?(七个小矮人分别叫万事通、 害羞鬼、 瞌睡虫、喷嚏精、 开心果 、迷糊鬼 、爱生气)
But Leonard's idea was good. 我们总算可以知道了。
Fine. Then Grumpy-- what's he so grumpy about? Maybe his girlfriend won't take his side. 可莱纳德的点子真的不错啊。那就从爱生气的角度吧,他到底气什么呢?也许是气他女朋友胳膊肘往外拐吧。
I'm the one who thought of it! 我才是提出点子的那个人!
Well, didn't he do a lot of the work? 可是很多部分不也都是他完成的吗?
But now he's happy to let people think he's responsible for everything. 但他现在沉醉于让别人以为一切都是他的功劳。
And that's why you get an iPad helicopter! 所以你才能得到平板遥控直升机嘛!
Is it my fault I have a much bigger reputation than he does? 名气比他大难道是我的错吗?
It's not your fault. 不是你的错。
Is it my fault that my name came first on the paper alphabetically? 论文上我的名字按字母顺序排在他前面这也是我的错吗?
Not your fault. 不是你的错。
Is it my fault that when the reporter cited me as the lead scientist I didn't correct him? 记者把我记为主导科学家我没有纠正他,这也是我的错吗?
Hey, look at that pretty bird. 快看那只漂亮的小鸟。
He always needs all the attention. He's such a baby. 他总是需要成为众人的焦点。跟个孩子一样。
I know, I know. 我知道,我知道。
I swear, he is never ever playing with my helicopter. 我发誓,我的直升机永远不让他玩。
Okay, I'll start heating some of this stuff up. 我要开始加热这些东西了。
Thanks. 谢了。
Oh, man. This is the boutonniere from my high school prom. A piece of cake from my Bar Mitzvah. 天啊。这是我高中毕业舞会戴的襟花,还有我犹太成年礼上剩的一块蛋糕。
Did she throw anything away? 她真是什么都舍不得扔啊?
No. If I find my foreskin, I'm gonna kill myself. 是啊。要是我的包皮也在里面,我立马自尽。