生活大爆炸第八季 第190期:搬出去(在线收听

 So, I put stickers on everything we're gonna sell. We just need help taking it all out to the driveway. 我把所有要卖的东西上都贴了贴纸,大家帮忙搬出去到车道上就行了。

Can I be in charge of pricing? I've been going to garage sales my whole life. Can you believe I got these pantyhose for a nickel? 能让我来负责价格吗?我这辈子去过无数车库拍卖。你们相信这条连裤袜我只花了5分钱就买到吗?
All right, Amy's in charge of pricing and being 75. 行,艾米负责价钱,以及当75岁老人。
Hey, Penny, can you give me a hand with this? 佩妮,能帮忙搭把手吗?
Sure. Aw, we had one of these growing up. I used to play all the time. 行。我小时候家里也有这个,我以前天天玩。
Oh, yeah? I love Ping-Pong. 是吗?我也爱打乒乓球。
Oh, I meant beer pong. 我说的是啤酒乒乓(饮酒游戏)。
I had a table, too, but I didn't have any friends, so all I did was serve. 我家也有球桌,可是我以前没有朋友,所以我只能一直发球。
You know, you can leave one side up and play against it. 你可以半边桌不要平放下来,跟桌面对打啊。
And if I had a friend, they might have told me that. 如果当年我有朋友,或许就会有人教我这事。
Excuse me. Why is there a sticker on this? It's my TARDIS from Doctor Who. I was planning on moving it in the house. 抱歉。为什么这上面会有要卖的标签?是我的《神秘博士》塔迪斯。我本来准备把它移进屋里的。(《神秘博士》中的电话亭外观时光机,内部空间比外面大许多)
I think you just answered your own question. 你的话已经回答了你的问题。
Come on, one day, this may double in value and be worth half what I paid for it. 干嘛这样,说不定某天它价格会翻倍,能达到我当时买价的一半。
Sweetie, we have a lot to do. We don't need to decide this right now. 亲爱的,我们的事情还很多。我们不需要现在就决定这个。
Well, I guess as long as you're keeping an open mind. 只要你能有一颗包容的心,我没意见。
Of course. 当然啦。
Play that funky music, white boy. Play that funky music right. Play that funky music, white boy 放那放克乐,白人男孩。放对那放克乐。放那放克乐,白人男孩。
So...they're requesting that the white boy play the funky music, yes? 所以...他们要求那个白人男孩放那放克乐,对吧?
Yes. 是啊。
And this music we're listening to right now is funky as well? 而我们现在在听的歌就是放克乐,对吧?
Sure. 是啊。