生活大爆炸第八季 第203期:不许拆任何东西(在线收听

 Hey, I grew up in this house, okay? No one's knocking anything down. 我在这房子里长大,好吗?谁都不许拆任何东西。

Okay, okay. When he's at Comic-Con, I'm bringing in a wrecking ball. 行,行。等他去了漫展,我立马找个大铁球来拆。
Can I help you? 有事吗?
Hi. Are you Howard Wolowitz? 您好,请问是霍华德·沃罗威茨吗?
Yes. 是的。
Um, this is a little weird, but a lawyer was trying to contact my father, because his name was still on the title for this house. 这有点怪,但有一个律师之前联系了我父亲,因为当时这间屋子还在他名下。
W...uh, who's your father? 你父亲是哪位?
Sam Wolowitz. 山姆·沃罗威茨。
S-Sam Wolowitz is my father. 山姆·沃罗威茨是我的父亲。
I know. 我知道。
Well, wait, so if we have the same father...I mean, are you saying you're my half-brother? 慢着,如果我们的父亲是同一个人...那你的意思是,你是我同父异母的兄弟吗?
I think so. 我想是的。
Bernadette, weird things are happening out here. 伯纳黛特快来,这里有怪事发生。
I think I started to suspect it was a bad movie when I looked at the script and saw the title, Serial Ape-ist 2: Monkey See, Monkey Kill. 我怀疑这是一部烂片,是从我低头看剧本瞅见片名的那一刻开始:《杀人恶猿2之猴见猴杀》。
Uh, spoiler alert: after the monkey sees, it kills. I've just been handed a note. I'm going to read it. 剧透警告:猴子一看见啥就杀啥。有人给我递了张小纸条,我把内容念一下。
Wil, do you want more Diet Coke? Also, we have juice. 威尔,你还想来点健怡可乐吗?对了。我们也有果汁哦。
I-I didn't want to interrupt. 我不想打断你们,所以递纸条。
Uh, that voice you just heard belongs to Leonard, Penny's fiance. 刚才说话的人是莱纳德,佩妮的未婚夫。
Uh, Leonard, why don't you grab some headphones and join us? 莱纳德,你何不戴上耳机加入我们?
Really? - Yeah. 可以吗?- 当然。
Yeah, great. 太棒了。