生活大爆炸第八季 第210期:秘密物理学图书馆(在线收听

 Okay, so the final four forts in the first annual best fort ever contest, or "Fort off," are Fort Knox, Fort Ticonderoga, Fort Sumter and...Fort Cozy McBlanket. 好,第一届年度最佳堡垒大赛,或简称堡垒大对决最后四强为诺克斯堡、提康德罗加堡、萨姆特堡...舒适毯堡。

I'd say...Knox over Ticonderoga 'cause it's got the gold. 我认为...诺克斯堡力压提康德罗加堡,因为它那有金子。(诺克斯堡是美国国库黄金存放处;提康德罗加堡是美国旧时极富战略意义的堡垒)
And McBlanket over Sumter 'cause it has a higher thread count. 10:00. Date night's over. 舒适毯堡完胜萨姆特堡,因为它织物针数高。十点了。约会之夜结束了。(萨姆特堡曾在1861年被轰炸,随后林肯总统对南方宣战,爆发南北战争)
Wait, no. We haven't picked a winner. 等等,不要。我们还没选出冠军呢。
We both know this one's gonna win. 我们都知道这个堡会胜出的。
Well, of course we do. Fort Knox doesn't have a secret physics lending library. 确实如此。毕竟诺克斯堡没有秘密物理学图书馆。
Come on, I'll help you take this down. 来,我帮你拆了。
Well, wait. What if, just this once, we suspend the date night parameters and you stay later? 等等。我们破例一晚,约会之夜的限制因素暂时失效,你多待一会好吗?
Well, as long as we're suspending the parameters, I could stay really late and we could have our first sleepover. 既然限制因素暂时失效,我可以待到非常晚。我们还可以第一次同居一晚。
That's a big step. 这可是一大步啊。
It's a big fort. 毕竟这么大个堡。
Very well. I will agree to a family-friendly, G-rated, boy-girl sleepover. 很好。我同意来一晚阖家欢乐的、老少咸宜的、 男孩女孩式的大众级过夜。
Pg. Some scenes may be too intense for younger viewers. 家长陪同级。某些场景对少儿来讲过于强烈。
G-rated, with a warning for families with babies and toddlers. 老少咸宜级,附有对有婴儿及幼童家庭的警示。
You got yourself a sleepover. 你成功获得过夜小伙伴。
Do you need to borrow a toothbrush or pajamas? 用不用借你牙刷和睡衣?