英语听力精选进阶版 9916(在线收听

Tens of tousands of Egyptians have filled Cairo's Tahrir Square to show their anger at a decree issued by President Mursi giving himself extensive new powers. He's tried to defuse the crisis by promising that his new powers would be limited, but protesters are demanding he withdraw the decree completely. Jon Leyne reports.

数万名埃及人齐聚开罗塔里尔广场,表示对总统穆尔西在法令中授予自己无上权力的愤怒。穆尔西承诺将限制自己的新权力以平息这场危机,但抗议者要求他撤回这个法令。Jon Leyne报道。

Through the day protesters have been streaming flooding into Tahrir Square. One of the first group was lawyers, some still in their official robes. They are furious about President Mursi's declaration that he is not subject to the courts. The Nobel peace prize winner Mohammed ElBaradei and other liberals led a huge marching from a mainly Christian area of Cario. By early evening Tehrir Square was packed full of a noisy crowd. Other demonstrations are taking place in many other Egyptian cities. Many of the protesters are repeating the same chants they used against Husni Mubarac last year, this time calling on President Mursi and his Islamist movement the Muslim Brotherhood to go.


The Congolese Red Cross says it has found more than 60 bodies in the eastern city of Goma which was captured last week by the M23 rebel group. Here's Mary Harper.

刚果红十字称在东部城市戈马发现60多具尸体,戈马上周被M23叛军夺取。Mary Harper报道。

The Red Cross in the Congolese capital Kinshasa told the BBC that it expected to find more dead people in Goma in the coming days. It didn't say whether the dead were civilians or members of the armed groups or who had killed them. The United Nations has said hundreds of prisoners who escaped as Goma fell are running wild in the city threatening witnesses. The UN says Goma is especially insecure at night when robberies and abductions take place.


The Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez who had surgery for cancer last year is to return to Cuba for further medical treatment. In a letter asking the Venezuelan congress commission to leave the country, President Chavez said he would have oxygen treatments and physiotherapy. Mr Chavez was re-elected for a third term in October, his last session of radiation treatment ended six months ago.


The American ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice has admitted she gave incorrect information to the public following the attack on the US consulate in Lybia on September 11, in which the ambassador and three other people were killed. Jane O'Brien has this report from Washington.

美国驻联合国大使苏珊·赖斯承认她在9月11日美国驻利比亚大使遇袭后向公众提供了不实信息,那次事件中,大使和另外三人遇难。Jane O'Brien在华盛顿报道。

The September attack on the US consulate in Beghazi triggered a major political row over who knew what and when. Republicans accused the Obama administration of deliberately misleading the public after Susan Rice, the ambassador to the UN, said the assault was spontaneous rather than a pre-planned terrorist attack. Later intelligence reports contradicted that assessment. Mrs Rice now agrees her initial statement was incorrect but denies the attempting to mislead the American people.


World News from the BBC

The Mexican president-elect Enrique Pena Nieto is in Washington for talks with President Obama. Mr Pena Nieto is due to be sworn-in on Saturday. Correspondents say he wants to shift the focus of relations with the United States towards improving trade and economic growth. The two leaders will also expected to discuss Mexico's drugs war which's caused tens of thousands of lives and US immigration policy which left millions of Mexicans in the US without legal status.


Two senior journalists at an Indian television channel Zee News have been arrested in Dehli accused of extortion. The head of the news and the head of business at the channel have been accused of asking for $18m from officials that the Indian business conglomerate, Jindal group in return for suppressing negative stories. The journalists denied the allegations. Jill McGivering reports.

印度Zee News电视台两名资深记者因敲诈罪在德里被捕。新闻负责人和频道商业负责人被指控向印度商业巨头金德尔集团官员要求1800万美元,作为压制负面消息的回报。两名记者否认这些指控。Jill McGivering报道。

The two journalists are accused of asking Jindal group officials for a payment about $18m. The allegation is that they promised in return to suppress news report about the group's alleged to links to a high-profile corruption scandal, involving the allocations of coal mining concessions. The officials say they secretly filmed the meetings and have made the footage public. The journalists have dismissed the allegations against them as a fabrication, they say the video is doctored. On Tuesday, Zee News described the arrests as an attack on press freedom.


The online version of a Chinese Communist Party newspaper appears to have fallen for a spoof that hailed the North Koran leader, Kim Jong Un as the sexiest man alive. The people's daily published a 55-page photo spread of Kim Jong Un on its website after the American satirical magazine, The Onion, hailed him as every women's dream come true. It quoted The Onion that praising the North Korean leader as A heart-throb with an air of power that masked a cute, cuddly side.


