英语听力精选进阶版 9920(在线收听

The Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has announced a referendum on a new draft constitution on December 15. A recent decree given Mr Morsi extensive new powers has prompted widespread protests by his opponents, who have accused him of being a dictator in the making. From here is Bethany Bell.


President Morsi called on all Egyptians to participate in the referendum on the constitution whether they agreed with it or not. He said Egypt had to overcome this faith of tension, and he appealed for a comprehensive national dialogue over the concerns of the nation. The entire world is watching our experiment, he said. Meanwhile huge crowds of the president's supporters have rallied in Cairo and other towns across Egypt. And in Tahrir Square, the opposition demonstration continues.


The new Mexican leader, Enrique Pena Nieto has made his first speech as a president shortly after his inauguration. He promised to promote economic growth, entrance for Mexico into the world power. Mr Pena Nieto also promised to respect human rights and bring peace to the country. Will Grants reports from Mexico City.

墨西哥新总统裴纳尼托完成就职仪式后发表首次演讲,他承诺促进经济发展,使墨西哥进入世界强国之列。 裴纳尼托还承诺尊重人权,给国家带来和平。Will Grants在墨西哥城报道。

The first aim of my government, Mr Nieto told his supporters, is to achieve the country at peace. A range of communities in Mexico have been robbed their peace by the violence, he said, and it's the new government's aim to return security to public squares in the streets. He also said the crime couldn't only be tackled using force and that a new crime prevention program will be set up.


A BBC correspondent in Damascus says people here have been hearing the non-stopped sound of the fighter jets, military helicopters and explosions for a third day. A communications block out that blocked Syrians from knowing what's happening across the country has now eased as the internet has become accessible again.


Tunisian police have clashed with demonstrators in a fifth of protests that appears to be spreading from the city of Siliana. Police fired tear gas as stone-throwing used in the town of Bargo and in Siliana itself, where demonstrators demanded the resignation of the regional governor and the economic development of the region.


Hundreds of Brazilians have taken part in a march in Rio de Janeiro to protest against government plans to privatize the city's Maracana football stadium ahead of the 2014 World Cup. Here is Nicolas Nicolas Rocha.

数百名巴西人在里约热内卢游行抗议政府在2014世界杯之前私有化该市的马拉卡纳体育馆。Nicolas Nicolas Rocha报道。

Wearing traditional Indian costumes, many of the demonstrators are carrying banners reading "Maracana is ours". They say the stadium is a symbol of the city, although also with other buildings in the Maracana complex such as an Indian museum which may be demolished. They claimed the government is acting behind their backs by not consulting them on the stadium's future. The authorities say some buildings around in Maracana need to be removed to complete the stadium's renovation.


BBC News

Reports from the Democratic Republic of Congo say rebels have now withdrawn from the city of Goma which they captured less than two weeks ago. Eyewitnesses said they saw convoys of the trucks carrying members of the M23 group along the road leading out of Goma. Their withdrawal follows a meeting of regional leaders in the Ugandan capital Kampala aimed resolving the crisis.


The head of the police Cyber Crime Unit in Tehran has been sacked in connection with a death in custody of an Iranian blogger, critic of the government. Sattar Beheshti was found dead in a cell in November, just a day after being detained on charges of acting against national security through his internet post. Sebastian Usher reports.

德黑兰警察网络犯罪调查组因与批评政府的伊朗博主被拘留期间死亡事件有关而辞职。萨塔尔·贝赫什蒂11月在监狱死亡,就在一天前,他因发帖被控危害国家安全被拘留。Sebastian Usher报道。

Little known before his death, Satah Beheshti swiftly became a symbol both about vulnerability and power that runs dissident bloggers. It was evidence of severe torture posted by dissident sites that force the authorities to hold an official investigation, which found that he had indeed been mistreated with wounds in five places on his body. Mr Beheshti's case has also reveals once again deeps roots within the ruling elite with opposing factions blaming each other.


Police in the United States say a player for the Kansas City Chiefs American football team, Jovan Belcher has killed himself after shooting dead his girl friend. The police say Mr Belcher drove to the team's training facility shortly after killing his partner and then shot himself. They give no indication of a possible motive for the killings.

美国警方称堪萨斯城酋长美国足球队球员Jovan Belcher在开枪打死女友后自杀。警方称Belcher开车到球队培训场地后不久就开枪打死女友,然后自杀。警方尚不清楚杀人事件的可能动机。

A controversial new law against dangerous driving is coming to effect in Kenya, with drivers facing tougher penalties including life in prisonment. Many of the drivers have been on strike or protests of the legislation, many say they cannot afford the heavy fines. But the government is determined to reduce the number of deaths on the road. Last year, more than 3000 Kenyans were killed in traffic accidents.


