英语听力精选进阶版 9922(在线收听

Tens of thousands of Egyptians surrounded the presidential palace in Cairo to protest against a controversial draft constitution. The demonstration has been mainly peaceful, although there was a clash with security forces when some protesters breached a barbed wire cordon. Jon Leyne was there.

上万埃及人包围了开罗的总统官邸,抗议一份有争议的宪法草案。一些抗议者跨越铁丝刺网封锁线与安全部队士兵发生了冲突,除此之外,示威大体上是和平的。Jon Leyne在现场报道。

This is yet another huge crowded protesters, opponents of President Mursi, heading off in a series of marches and rallies to the presidential palace. And you can hear them the further the anger here, they are so angry about where President Morsi has taken the country even two weeks into these protests. They are just agitated as they were at the beginning. They are really really determined that they don't want him to lead the country in a direction that they are not happy with. In a statement, the security forces said President Mursi had left the building and they appealed for calm.


As civil war rages across Syria, both sides say a school close to Damascus has been hit by shell fire killing around 30 people, almost all of them children. Jim Muir reports from neighboring Lebanon.

内战在叙利亚全国上下白热化进行。政府方和反对派方都发表报道称,大马士革附近一所学校被炮弹击中,约30人丧生,其中大多数都是孩子。Jim Muir从邻国黎巴嫩报道。

Both rebels and the regime agree that a school to the northeast of Damascus was hit by shell fire or mortars, but both accuse one another of being responsible for what the state news agency called: a horrific massacre with almost all the victims school children. On virtually all sites of the capital there were clashes and heavy bombardments as government forces battled to keep rebels from pressing in on the central core of the city, the seat of the regime's power. With the international airport now generally considered too unsafe to risk landing Damascus is increasingly looking like a city coming under siege.


The NATO Military Alliance has approved the request from Turkey for Patriot intercept missiles to counter any threat from across its border with Syria. More shells from Syrian conflict landed inside Turkey on Tuesday. NATO Foreign Ministers meeting in Brussels also expressed grave concern at reports that Damascus may be considering using chemical weapons in its conflict with rebels. The NATO head, Anders Fogh Rasmussen warned that any such use will provoke an international response.


The authorities in Brazil have arrested at least 60 policemen accused of receiving regular payments from drug dealers to turn a blind-eye to their activities in several shanty towns on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. Eleven suspected drug dealers from Rio's main criminal gang - the Red Command - were also arrested. Leonardo Rocha reports.

巴西当局逮捕了至少60名警察,他们被指控收受毒品交易犯的不法钱财,从而对其在里约热内卢郊区几座棚户区小镇的不法行为睁一只眼闭一只眼。同时,里约热内卢主要的犯罪团伙红色司令部的11名嫌疑毒品交易犯也被逮捕。Leonardo Rocha报道。

Prosecutors say police officers in Duque de Caxias, in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro were getting up to $1,200 a week from drug-gangs to overlook their criminal activities. When pay was delayed, the officers conducted security operations against them. The policemen are accused of involvement in all the criminal activities, from selling weapons to gangs to kidnapping drug lords relatives for ransom.


World News from the BBC

The first direct talks have been held between the government of Mali and rebel groups that seized the north of the country following a coup earlier this year.


Representatives from the Tuareg rebel group and one of the Islamist militias controlling northern Mali are at the talks in Burkina Faso. The delegations have now issued a statement agreeing on the need for territorial integrity and rejecting terrorism.


The International Olympic Committee has suspended India for breaking Olympic rules over political interference in the election of officials. The IOC had repeatedly warned the Indian Olympic Committee to follow the Olympic charter in electing a new president and not the government Sports Code. Alex Capstick reports.

由于印度政治干涉官员选举的行为违反了奥林匹克法则,国际奥委会暂时取消了印度的资格。奥委会曾反复警告印度奥委会在选举新一届主席时遵守奥林匹克宪章,而不是遵守政府体育法规。Alex Capstick报道。

The Indian Olympic Committee has been repeatedly warned over its conduct regarding its election for a president. The buildup to the vote has been mired in controversy and internal divisions. The former President Suresh Kalmadi bowed to pressure and decided not to stand for reelection. He was jailed for corruption involving the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Dehli. Suspended national bodies do not receive any funding from the IOC, their officials are banned from Olympic meetings and events, and their athletes are not allowed to compete under their national flags of the Olympics.

印度奥委会因其主席选举行为已得到国际奥委会的反复警告。由于各种反对声音以及内部分裂,其选举进程已经遭遇破坏。上任主席卡马迪屈服于压力,决定不再进行复选 。因涉嫌在新德里举行的2010英联邦运动会贿赂案而被关押在狱。国际奥委会对暂时取消资格的国家体育机构不发放资金,并禁止该国官员参加奥林匹克会议和比赛,同时不允许该国运动员在该国奥林匹会旗下参加竞赛。

The United Nations Secretary General has said abnormal weather has become the new norm and is a challenge to mankind's existence. Ban Ki-moon was addressing deadlocked talks in Qatar, where 200 nations are seeking a common effective response to global warming. Disagreements center on emission cuts acceptable to both developed and developing countries.


A court in France has ordered one of the country's richest men to take a paternity test to determine whether he fathered a child with the former government minister Rachida Dati. Dominique Desseigne who owns a chain of luxury hotels, restaurants and casinos says he briefly dated Ms Dati, but insists he couldn't have fathered her 3-year-old daughter.

法国一家法庭命法国最富有大亨中的一位进行生父鉴定试验,以确定他是否是前司法部长达坦的孩子的父亲。大亨Dominique Desseigne拥有众多连锁的豪华酒店、饭馆以及娱乐场,称他确定与达坦有过为期不长的约会,但坚持否认是这个三岁女孩的父亲。

