生活大爆炸 第十季:第4集:同居实验(上)(在线收听

 There was water everywhere. 家里到处都是水

It was such a mess. 一片狼藉
That stinks. How long are you out of the apartment? 而且简直臭死了你要出来住多久?
About five weeks. 大概得五个星期
Ugh! Did you lose anything valuable? 唉...有没有什么值钱的东西被泡了?
Well, the pipe was over my closet,so all my clothes are gone. 水管就在衣柜上面所以我的衣服全都毁了
Oh, so nothing. Great. 所以什么损失都没有
Do they know why the pipe burst? 他们有没有说为什么水管爆了?
They didn't say. 没有
Buildings that have a combination of copper and galvanized steel are susceptible to pinholes and corrosion caused by the mobility of ions in the water. 水中离子的移动性会导致水管壁中出现气泡和腐蚀现象这些现象会危害建筑中镀锌结构和铜结构的坚固性
Can't have your head shoved in a toilet as much as I did and not pick up a few things about plumbing. 你要是总被人把头按进马桶里你也知道这些管道方面的知识
Well, if you need a place to crash, you can stay with us. 你要是没地方住的话就来我们这里吧
Really?  Of course. 真的?  是啊
You can stay in Leonard's room, and we'll stay at my place. 你可以住Lenard的房间 Lenard过来和我住
You're sure that's not an inconvenience? 会不会太麻烦你们了?
No, not at all. 一点也不麻烦
And we live with Sheldon, so the word "inconvenience" has really lost all meaning. 反正我们和Sheldon合住这世界上还有什么事算得上"麻烦"
So, technically, I'd be moving in with my boyfriend? I guess so. 那么理论上说我要和我男朋友同居了? 差不多吧
I'd finally get to live alone with my husband. 我也终于能单独和我老公住了
Oh, my, this is a big step. Mmhmm. 天了噜这可不是小事。是啊
For two of us, it's in the right direction. 我们居然要正常生活了
Why are you all smiling like crazy people? 你们为什么都笑的这么变态?
Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state 宇宙一度又烫又稠密
Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! 140亿年前终于爆了炸等着瞧!
The Earth began to cool 地球开始降温
The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools 自养生物来起哄穴居人发明工具
We built the Wall We built the pyramids 我们建长城我们建金字塔
Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery 数学自然科学历史揭开神秘
That all started with a big bang 一切由大爆炸开始
Cohabitation with my girlfriend? 和女朋友同居?
That's a great deal to process. 这件事有点复杂啊
It's only for five weeks. 就五个星期而已
Yeah, and we'll be right across the hall. 是啊而且我们就在对面
What do you think? I don't know. 你觉得怎么样?我怎么知道
What if living together kills the romance? 要是距离太近产生不了美怎么办?
Okay, you guys had sex one whole time. 得了吧你俩就睡过一次
Nothing can put out a fire like that. 那种激情一时半会不会消失的
Yeah, but what happens when we each get a peek behind the curtain? 是啊可是我们都会看到更多对方的隐私吧?
I mean, she's never even seen me unshaven. 比如说她就没见过我不刮胡子的样子
You just shaved yesterday. 你昨天才刮了胡子
You're good for three months. 后面三个月都不用再刮了
Sheldon, I understand your apprehension,but let me appeal to the scientist in you. Sheldon我理解你的担心让我用科学理论来说服你
Given the fiveweek end date,isn't it the perfect opportunity to consider this an experiment and collect data on our compatibility? 既然我们只有五周的期限不如刚好把这看作是一个实验用来收集有关我们兼容性的数据
Don't try luring me in with sexy talk.Okay. 别想用这种甜言蜜语诱惑我。好啵
The Original Series. "星际迷航初代"里
The Enterprise was on a fiveyear mission to explore new worlds. 企业号有一个探索新世界的任务就是为期五年的
Think of this as your personal fiveweek mission to do the same. 你就把同居当做是你自己的探索新世界任务为期五周
If you want to lure me in with sexy talk, that's how you do it. 你看这种甜言蜜语才能吸引到我
Don't be proud of that. 你难道要我也夸你吗
So, is that a yes? Not yet. I... 所以你同意啦?也不是我...
How will I learn if I'm comfortable living with Amy 如果我觉得舒服的话我怎么知道是因为Amy和我住
or just comfortable because I'm in my own apartment? 还是仅仅因为我住在自己的公寓里?
Now, if this experiment is going to be valid,I suggest a neutral environment. 所以要想保证这项实验有效的话,我认为应该选择一个中性的环境
Well, where would you go? 那你想去哪?
Well, ideally, an enclosed,selfsustaining biodome in New Mexico. 理想状态下应该是一个封闭自给自足的位于墨西哥的生态环境
Where we would eat crops fertilized with our own waste. 我们的排泄物可以作为肥料培育可食用的农作物
And you were worried about the romance. Wait. 都这样了你还担心同居无美感的问题。等下
Why don't you guys stay across the hall, and we will live here?Interesting. 不如你们去对面住我们住在这边。有点意思
If my official residence were across the hall, 如果我的府邸是对面那个房间的话
I wonder if I'd need to knock every time I came over here. 那我每次过来这边的时候还用敲门吗?
That's a good question. 这个问题好
Maybe just don't come over. 不如你就不要过来了
Historically, I don't do well with change. 根据历史来看我很难接受改变
Okay, it won't be that bad. 没事不会那么糟的
We wouldn't even sit in your spot while you're gone. 你不在的时候我们不会坐在你的位子的
You're darn right, you wouldn't. 你敢坐才怪
No matter where I am, this will always be my spot. 不管我在哪里这个位子永远都是我的
Like an embassy in a foreign country,this seat is the sovereign soil of my bottom. 就像是位于国外的大使馆这个位子的主权属于我的屁股
Just nod and smile. He's almost gone. 点头微笑就好他马上就要走了
Sheldon, what do you think? Sheldon你怎么想?
Very well. I'm on board.Seriously?   Yes. 很好我同意了。真的吗?  是的
I accept this fiveweek mission to share a living space with my girlfriend. 我接受这个为期五周的与我女朋友分享居住空间的任务
Oh. This is so exciting. 哦这太让人激动了
Well, now, don't be surprised if, like Star Trek,  it's cancelled in three. 不要太惊讶星际迷航里的任务在第三部就结束了
I have to say, I am happy with your obgyn. 说实话我对你的妇产科医生很满意
Cool. 'Cause she says you're doing a great job as "weird friend who doesn't have to be at every appointment." 不错啊因为她说作为一个"不需要每次都来的奇葩朋友"你做的很好
I'm the son of a gynecologist. I could be helpful. 我是妇科医生的儿子我帮得上忙
It would help if you stopped telling me I have a textbook cervix. 你要是不一直说我有个教科书般的宫颈这才叫帮忙
The polite response is, "Thank you for noticing." 礼貌的回答是 "多谢告知"
Let me see the sonogram again. 再让我看看超声波图
Oh, yeah, that's a goodlooking baby for a little gray blob. 这个小灰团里面的宝宝好可爱啊
Yeah, we could name him Blobert. 嗯我们可以叫他灰灰
What if it's a girl? 如果是个女孩呢?
Bloberta. Or Blobbi with an "i." 慧慧或者惠惠
Are we being silly not finding out the sex? 我们还不知道性别是不是有些傻?
Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. 嗯我也在想这个
If you want, you can find out right now.Mm.   Hmm. 如果你想的话你们可以现在就判断下嗯  哼
The doctor's gone for the day, so it doesn't matter. 医生下班了也无所谓了
Well, somebody else knows because they saw it in the folder. 有些人知道因为他在文件夹里看到了
You looked in our folder?! 你看了我们的文件夹?!
It was an accident. 这是个意外
The doctor left the folder out on her desk. 医生把文件夹落在她桌子上了
It's not my fault I opened it and looked. 打开看它又不是我的错
So you know the sex of our baby, and we don't?! 所以你知道我们宝宝的性别而我们不知道?!
Flip a coin. You got a fiftyfifty shot. 扔个硬币吧你有一半的几率猜对
It's unbelievable.  God, Raj. What? 太气人了  天哪 Raj什么鬼?
This is not a problem, okay? 这不是什么问题好吗?
If you don't want to know, I don't have to tell you. 如果你不想知道我没必要告诉你
We don't want you to know! 我们是不想让你知道!
Okay, well, that's a problem. 那好吧这才是问题
You know, I'm very proud of you for trying to live with Amy. 你能试着和Amy一起住我感到很骄傲
Oh. Thank you.  Mm. 哦谢谢你  没事
Of course, the ideal way to conduct this experiment would be with four pairs of identical Sheldons and Amys. 当然进行这个实验最理想的方式就是有四对完全相同的Sheldon和Amy样本
One pair that was neither dating nor living together. 一对既不在约会也没有同居
One pair that was dating but not living together. 一对正在约会但没有同居
One pair that was living together but not dating. 一对同居但没有在约会
And then, of course, one pair that was living together and dating. 当然还要有一对既同居又在约会的
Although, with that many Sheldons,it'd be such a party, we'd never get anything done. 要是真有有这么多Sheldon的话肯定会是一个大派对我们什么都做不了
That was a cute story.So, um... 这个故事挺好玩。所以嗯...
What did you want to ask me? 你想问我什么?
Well, you've lived with your significant other for some time. 你和你人生最重要的另一半同居过一段时间
I would like this experiment to go well. 我想让实验顺利进行
Are there any insights you can share? 你可以提供些建议吗?
Mm. Well, the biggie is, if she has an insane roommate,kick him out as soon as possible. 嗯最大的建议就是她有没有个奇葩室友要尽快把他赶出去
You know, Leonard and I were very happy before you came along. 你知道Leonard和我在你来之前一直很开心吧
You've been roommates with Sheldon forever. 你一直都是Sheldon的室友
Do you have any advice? 你有什么建议吗?
I'm trying to think of an answer that won't stop you from doing this. 我在找一个不会让你拒绝和Sheldon同居的回答
I know it sounds like a cliché, but compromise is key. 我知道这是老生常谈了但妥协才是关键
Never leave a belt on the floor. 不要把皮带放在地板上
At night, they look like snakes. 晚上它们看着就像蛇一样
Do little things, like bring her a cup of coffee in bed. 做些小细节比如给她把咖啡送到床上
Keep M&M'S in your pocket in case you have to wait in a long line. 兜里装些MM豆如果你要排长队的话
You're gonna be seeing each other a lot,so respect each other's personal space. 你们会经常看见彼此所以尊重下彼此的私人空间
He startles easily, so, please, no flash photography. 他是易受惊体质所以照相的时候千万不要开闪光灯
How many pairs of underwear did you pack for the move? 你这次搬过来准备了多少件内衣?
I don't know. I didn't count. 不知道我没数
You truly are the Goofus to my Gallant. 你真是万事不知指望我啊
That's me. Listen,you and I are gonna be sharing a bed. 可不是嘛我们要睡在一张床上
You know, this is uncharted territory for both of us. 这都是你我从来没有经历过的事
How are you feeling about that? 你对此有什么想法吗?
Oh, excited, concerned, a little scared. 很兴奋但也很担心还有点害怕
All the same emotions I feel in line at Space Mountain. 和我在排队玩飞越太空山的时候感受一样
Well, if you're nervous about the sleeping arrangements,maybe we should talk about it. Okay.Talk. 如果你对这个安排觉得不安的话或许我们应该谈一谈好的谈吧
Well, I imagine one of your concerns might be coital expectations. 我认为你的担心之一会是我们的性交期望
Wow, no foreplay or anything, just right to it. 哇毫无前戏开门见山啊
Look, I know this experiment is a big step outside of your comfort zone. 我明白这次实验对你来说已经是踏出舒适区的一大步
So why don't we take being physical off the table and maybe later on,once we're more settled in, we can revisit it. 那不如我们先不谈这类肢体接触说不定过段时间等到我们逐渐适应以后我们再重温旧梦
You're really okay with that? 这样你能接受吗?
I've never lived with someone, either. 我也从没有和别人同居过
This is a lot for me, too. 我也有很多要适应的东西
This is such a relief. 真是如释重负
Honestly, if it didn't get you all worked up,I'd kiss you right now.Good call. 说实话如果不是要让你慢慢适应的话我现在都要吻你了。很明智
Seeing your Teen Titans underwear really got my motor running. 看到你的少年泰坦小裤裤实在是让我饥渴难耐啊
I know. They probably shouldn't sell those to children. 我知道所以这种内裤不应该卖给儿童
Well, here's your key.Thank you. 这是你的钥匙谢谢
Enjoy having the place to yourselves. 享受只有你们两个人的快乐吧
You enjoy your mission to boldly go where no man has gone before. 你也大胆踏入无人涉猎的任务吧
It's Penny's bedroom. 那是Penny的卧室
Plenty of men have gone before. 无数的男人已经去过了
Now, now, there's no need to make this emotional.Shall we? 忍住忍住黎明前的黑暗啊。可以走了吗?
I guess this is it.You guys have fun.You, too.Oh, don't forget. 时候到了。你们玩得开心。你们也是。别忘了
Tuesday the air filters need to be changed. 周二的时候要记得换空气滤网
Yeah, you wrote it on my hand. 知道你写在我手上了
Oh, and every other day, check the water level on the avocado pit.I'm on it. 还有每隔一天检查一下泡牛油果的池子里的水线。我会的
15 years from now, we'll make guacamole together. 十五年后的今天我们约好一起做牛油果酱
Leonard, please, let me go. Come on, Sheldon. Oh. Bye.Good night.  Good night.  Well, that's it. Leonard别再勾人了放我走吧来吧 Sheldon拜晚安  晚安就这样了
For the next five weeks, we are officially living together. 接下来的五个星期我们的同居生活正式开始了
I guess the experiment begins.We did it! Yeah! 那么实验就开始了。我们做到了!棒!