生活大爆炸 第十季:第5集:牙刷杯见证的爱情(上)(在线收听

 Previously on The Big Bang Theory... 生活大爆炸,前情提要...

Cohabitation with my girlfriend? 和女朋友同居?
That's a great deal to process.Hmm? 这件事有点复杂啊嗯?
It's only for five weeks. 就五个星期而已
Let me appeal to the scientist in you. 让我用科学理论来说服你
Given the fiveweek end date,isn't it the perfect opportunity to consider this an experiment and collect data on our compatibility? 既然我们只有五周的期限不如刚好把这看作是一个实验用来收集有关我们兼容性的数据
Don't try luring me in with sexy talk.Okay. 别想用这种甜言蜜语诱惑我。好啵
Star Trek: The Original Series. "星际迷航,初代"里
The Enterprise was on a fiveyear mission to explore new worlds. 企业号有一个探索新世界的任务就是为期五年的
Think of this as your personal fiveweek mission to do the same. 你就把同居当做是你自己的探索新世界任务,为期五周
Oh, you want to lure me in with sexy talk, that's how you do it. 你看,这种甜言蜜语才能吸引到我
Okay, why don't you guys stay across the hall and we will live here? 不如你们去对面住我们住这边
Very well. I'm on board. Seriously?  Yes. 很好,我同意了。真的吗?  是的
I accept this fiveweek mission to share a living space with my girlfriend. 我接受这个为期五周的与我女朋友分享居住空间的任务
Oh. This is so exciting. 哦,这太让人激动了
Well, now, don't be surprised if, like Star Trek,it's canceled in three. 不要太惊讶,星际迷航里的任务在第三部就结束了
Okay, I'm confused.Which one is Mr. Robot? 我有点犯晕。机器人先生是哪一个?
I'll give you a hint. 我给你个提示
We're watching Daredevil. 我们现在看的是超胆侠
Will you two please inform Amy how much you enjoy adhering to a strict bathroom schedule? 能麻烦你俩告诉Amy严格执行卫生间时间表有多享受吗?
Can't.  Won't.Didn't.  Don't. 做不到, 我不干。一点不享受, 不享受
I told you,you can't regulate every aspect of our lives. 我告诉过你了你不可能控制生活的方方面面
I can if you'd just roll over and accept your fate. 可能啊,只要你能俯首甘受命运就好
I'm sorry for bringing this over here. 很抱歉把矛盾带到了这里
Believe me, we know what you're going through. 信我吧,我特别了解你俩现在的感受
And I... I think the most helpful thing we can tell you is no backsies. 而且我...我们能传授的最好方法就是不要反悔
Sheldon, I understand that you like things a certain way and I'm willing to make some concessions, Sheldon我特别理解你喜欢让所有东西整齐排放的心情我也愿意做出让步
but you have to be open to compromise. 但是你也得学会妥协让步
She's right. That's reasonable. 她说得对,这很合理
Oh, look who's in favor of compromise,the woman who married Leonard Hofstadter. 看看谁才是最大的妥协家和Leonard Hofstadter结婚的女人
Hey, she didn't compromise. 嘿,她才没有妥协
She settled. There's a difference. 她只是定下心了,这是有区别的
Yeah. You tell him, babe. 说得对,宝贝
Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state 宇宙一度又烫又稠密,
Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! 140亿年前终于爆了炸...等着瞧!
The Earth began to cool 地球开始降温,
The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools 自养生物来起哄,穴居人发明工具,
We built the Wall  We built the pyramids 我们建长城,我们建金字塔,
Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery 数学,自然科学,历史,揭开神秘
That all started with a big bang 一切由大爆炸开始,
What time do you and Bernadette head out? 你和Bernadette打算什么时候出门?
As soon as I get home. 我一到家就走
We're hoping to make it before dark. 我们想天黑之前赶到
I've never been to Palm Springs. 我还从来没去过棕榈泉呢
Oh, you should go. 你们应该去看看
It's terrific. I... I really thrive anywhere 棒极了...任何地方只要女人的人数
the women and the temperature are over 90.I don't know. 和温度数上了90...都能让我生机勃发(华氏度,相当于32度摄氏度)我不知道
If I want to watch old people sweat, I can just FaceTime my family in India. 如果想看大汗淋漓的老人家的话直接和我印度的家人视频就好了
It's nice you and Bernadette are getting away. 你和Bernadette一块出去度假,真是太棒了
Well, she wants us to spend more time together before the baby comes. 她想在宝宝出生之前多花点时间过二人世界
So then what are you doing here buying comic books? 那你这会儿还在这儿买漫画书?
Well, he wants us to spend more time together before the baby comes. 他想在宝宝出生之前多花点时间过二人世界
When you live with someone, there's gonna be conflict. 和别人住一块,就一定会有冲突
You just have to keep communicating. I'm open to that. 你们得保持沟通。我愿意沟通
Okay. Well, for starters,there's nothing wrong with keeping our toothbrushes in the same holder. 好啊,首先把我俩的牙刷放在同一个牙刷架里根本没有什么大不了的
Sheldon, what do you say to that? Sheldon你什么想法?
I think we should see other people. What?! 我觉得我们还是再找另一半吧。啥?!
Well, as a male, I have an evolutionary drive to perpetuate my DNA. 作为一个男性,我具有让我的DNA永垂不朽的进化学意义上的驱动力
Restricting myself to a single partner is against my nature. 让我只和一个伴侣在一起是违背我天性的
We sleep together once a year! 我们一年睡一次!
You want other partners? 你这就想找别的姑娘了?
Don't blame me. Blame your pal, biology. 别怪我,怪你的小伙伴,生物学吧
He's the pervert pulling the strings here. 他才是在幕后捣乱的怪物
You wanna see other people? Go see other people. 你想找别人?那找去吧
I hope one of those people is a monkey, 'cause this is bananas. 我希望那位最好是猴子,这里的猴戏精彩多了
You can make jokes, but if this keeps up, 你可以开玩笑,但是再这么发展下去
he's gonna move back in here. 他就要搬回来了
All right. Well, let's just get them apart for a while so they can cool down.Good. 好吧,咱们让他俩分开待一会儿吧这样比较能冷静下来,好的
Then before we reintroduce them,we'll give him one of her sweaters so he can get used to her scent again. 然后在他俩再见面之前我会让他嗅一嗅她的毛衣这样他就能重新熟悉她的味道了
So it's okay for you to joke around? 所以你才有资格开玩笑?
No, that's actually what we did with him when Howard came back from space. 不是玩笑,Howard从太空回来的时候我们就是这么干的
Honey, how ya feeling? 宝贝,你还好吗?
The book says at this stage of the pregnancy morning sickness should be going away. 书上说在怀孕的这个阶段晨吐的症状会渐渐消失
So that's good news, right? 这是个好消息,对不?
The only thing I hate more than you right now is that book! 现在除了你,更让人讨厌的就是那本书了!
There she is! 看看你呀!
Who's ready for a hot,threehour car ride to the desert? 准备好迎接通往沙漠又热气腾腾的三小时车程了吗?
Next vomit is gonna be in your lap.I'm sorry. 我下一次会吐在你大腿上。对不起
We don't have to go. 我们也不是非得去呀
But it's our last chance to take a vacation that's just the two of us. 但是这是我俩单独度假的最后一次机会了
How 'bout we stay here? 不如我们就待在这儿吧?
We don't even have to tell anyone. 我们不用告诉别人
It'll be like a secret vacation at home. 来一次秘密家中度假
Keeping secrets from our friends...that does sound kinda fun. 向朋友们保密...这听起来还挺有趣啊
Does it sound... sexy? 听起来不...性感吗?
You just heard me throwing up. 你刚刚都听到我吐了
You bet I did. 一点没错
You're so weird. 你真是太奇怪了
You know what's weird? 你知道什么更奇怪吗?
How turned on you are right now. 你现在有没有欲火焚身
You know, people are quick to accuse me 大家总是指责和我同住
of being difficult to live with,but the truth is, Amy is just as challenging. 很困难但是事实上,Amy和我一样难搞
Just as challenging. Yes.  As you.Yes. 一样难搞。是啊,和你一样。没错
Just as challenging as you. 跟你一样难搞?
When we're sleeping,she breathes on me. 睡觉时她对着我呼吸喘气
One night, it got so bad I almost grabbed Toto and headed for the storm cellar. 有天晚上,我实在受不了,差点带上老婆孩子狗躲进防风地窖了
Leonard breathes on me, too. Leonard也对着我呼吸
It's not a big deal. 这没什么大不了的
She's always complaining about people at work. 她总是在吐槽她的同事
Well, so does Leonard. Leonard也是啊
It's kind of annoying, but it's not the end of the world. 是有点烦人,但死不了
Do you know that when I get out of the shower,she eyes me up and down like I'm a piece of meat? 你知道吗?我洗完澡出来的时候她跟看猪肉一样上下打量我
You know, so does Leonard. Leonard也这样
Can't I just get ready in the morning without him giving me his goofy thumbsup? "Hey." I know. 早上我梳妆打扮完的时候他能不能不要跟傻子一样竖大拇指?"嘿"我懂你
Sometimes I would just like to be appreciated for my mind. 有时候我更希望别人能看到我的内在美
Agreed! Thank you! That feels great. 同意!太对了!好舒服
Well,pulling a quarter out of your ear isn't the only magic these hands can do. 当然,从你耳朵里变出一个硬币可不是这双手唯一会的魔术
In fact, wh...what's this between your toes?! 这...这是什么藏在你的脚趾里?!
Can you please stop making money come out of me for two minutes? 你能不能消停两分钟,不要我身上变出钱?
Was that the front door? It sounded like it. 这是前门的声音吗?听起来好像是
Oh, my God. Someone's in the house. 天啊,有人进来了
Lock the door, lock the door! 锁门,快锁门!
We should call the police.  Uh... 我们得报警, 对...
I left my phone downstairs.Damn, so did I. 我手机放楼下了。该死,我的也是
Wait, I have my iPad! What are we gonna do, Email 911? 我有ipad!怎么办给911发电子邮件吗?
That's not helpful!You know I rely on humor in times of stress. 你只会帮倒忙!你知道我的一紧张就想讲笑话
Let me know when you start, because that wasn't funny! 那讲之前提醒一声,因为真的不好笑!
Is that the hot tub? 是浴池的声音吗?
Who would use our hot tub? 谁会用我们的浴池?
Well, the answer is both more and less disturbing than you think. 说出来你可能会更慌,或者不那么慌
Who is it? Stuart. 是谁?是Stuart
He heard me talking about us going away. 他听见我说我们要出门
I guess he decided to invite himself over? 可能就不请自来了吧?
Should we say something to him? 我们要跟他说点什么吗?
Maybe. How 'bout,"Hey, you look like a boiled chicken breast"? 要吧"嘿,你看起来像一块水煮鸡胸肉"怎么样?
I meant like, "What are you doing here?" 我是指,"你在这干嘛?"这类的问题
Nah, that's not gonna hurt his feelings. 不,这样伤不到他
Why is nothing easy with him? 为什么他处处挑剔?
Look, here's the thing you need to understand about Sheldon:he's the worst. 听着,关于Shledon你要明白一件事他最难相处
I prefer to think of it as highmaintenance. 我希望时间和精力就能解决这个问题
I prefer to think of myself as fiveten,  but I still need to get all my pants hemmed. 我还希望我一米八呢还不是每条裤子都要卷裤腿
I guess I should have known what I was getting myself into. 我早该知道他是这种人的
Don't beat yourself up. 不要灰心丧气
You've never lived with anyone before. 你从来没跟别人同居过
That's true.  And you're starting out with Sheldon Cooper. 这倒是, 第一次同居还是跟Sheldon Cooper
That's like getting your first pet and having it be...I don't know... 这就像第一次养宠物就养了...我不知道...
What's a kind of pet that ruins your life? 哪种宠物会毁了你的生活?
You're not making me feel better. 你这样只会让我更难受
Look, even when Penny and I started living together, there was a...a learning curve. 即使是我和Penny刚开始同居时也会有一个...一个磨合过程
But I promise you, it does get easier. 但相信我,情况会变好的
He put a sign up in the bathroom that says,"Number of days without Amy's hair on the soap."Yeah. 他在浴室贴了一个牌子,上面写着"香皂上没有Amy头发的天数"我懂
My record was six. 我的记录是6天
Is it me, or is there something fun about watching him just float there? 是我有问题,还是说看他浮在那里真的很好玩?
Maybe this is why people get fish tanks. 可能这就是人们养金鱼的原因吧
Who just turned the porch lights on? 谁把门廊灯打开了?
Is someone else here? 还有别人?
Hmm. They must have left the tub on. 他们一定是忘了关掉浴池
Good thing I stopped by.  Ah! 还好我来了。哇!