生活大爆炸 第十季:第7集:两个被欺骗的男人(上)(在线收听

 Hello, I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper. 大家好,我是Sheldon Cooper博士

And I'm Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler. 我是Amy Farrah Fowler博士
And welcome to the first "on location" episode of Dr. Sheldon Cooper and Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler present:Dr. Sheldon Cooper's Fun with Flags. 欢迎来到第一期"实景拍摄"的由Sheldon Cooper博士和Amy Farrah Fowler博士共同为你带来的Sheldon Cooper博士的旗乐无穷
Hit it.For joy and fun 音乐走起。为了愉悦和开心,
There's no better manner Than to fly a pennant Flag or banner 没有什么更好的方法,除了让三角旗飞扬普通旗子或横幅迎风招展
What fills my heart 填充了我内心,
And makes my eyes moist 使我眼里常含泪水的
Sending a flag 就是把旗子,
Up a pole on a hoist 高高地升上旗杆顶端
Fun with flags 旗乐无穷,
Fun with flags 旗乐无穷,
Oh! Say can you see 哦!你看得到吗
It's fun with flags 这就是旗乐无穷
Fun with flags. 旗乐无穷
As you may notice, just one of the changes around here is our new house band. 你们也看到了,节目众多改变之一就是有了我们的专属乐队
Who haven't learned their place yet. 还想跟我们抢镜头呢
We're also coming to you live from a different apartment. 改变之二就是,我们换了个直播地点
Dr. Fowler and I began an experiment in living together after her apartment became water damaged. Fowler博士和我开始了同居实验因为她的公寓被水淹了
This is our friend Penny's place. 这是我们的朋友Penny家
You may remember her from our episode "Flags". 你们可能在"旗子"或者
And "The People Who Don't Understand Them." "不了解它们的人"这两期节目中听说过她
So, in the spirit of cohabitation,the theme of today's episode is flags of two regions coming together as one. 本着同居的精神今天这期节目的主题就是两个地区的旗子组合成了一个的故事
Such as the flag of St. Kitts and Nevis. 比如圣基茨和尼维斯
So, let's roll up our "sleevis" and get to know Nevis. 所以,我们卷起袖子来了解下尼维斯吧
Well, I-I like that, but next time check with me. 我喜欢这个,不过下次跟我说一声
Did you know that the flag was designed by a student named Edrice Lewis... 你知道这个旗子是一个名叫Edrice Lewis的学生设计的吗...
I can't believe I'm saying this, but can we watch the news or something? 真不敢相信我会说这种话,不过我们不能看看新闻什么的吗?
It's cute, they're having fun living together. 很好啊,他们同居得很开心
Yeah, I wonder what they're gonna do when her apartment's ready. 是啊,我在想她公寓修好之后他们要怎么办
Actually, it's been ready for weeks. 其实,好几个星期前就修好了
What do you mean? 你什么意思?
Well, they finished the work early,but she's been telling Sheldon they're behind schedule. 他们早完工了但她一直和Sheldon说他们工期延误了
So, she's just been lying to him? 所以,她就这么一直骗他吗?
Well, you've lied to Sheldon. 你也骗过Sheldon啊
Yeah, but to make him leave,  not to make him stay. 对啊,但我是想让他离开不是想留下他
Buda and Pest united to form Budapest. 布达和佩斯联合在一起组成了布达佩斯
And that's why Budapest "Budabest."Now.Oh, right. 这就是为什么布达佩斯是"布达倍儿棒"就是现在,哦,好吧
Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state 宇宙一度又烫又稠密,
Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... Wait! 140亿年前终于爆了炸...等着瞧!
The Earth began to cool 地球开始降温
The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools 自养生物来起哄,穴居人发明工具
We built the Wall We built the pyramids 我们建长城,我们建金字塔,
Math, Science, History, unraveling the mystery 数学,自然科学,历史,揭开神秘
That all started with a big bang 一切由大爆炸开始,
Thank you for your services, gentlemen. 谢谢你们的服务,先生们
Now, I'm hoping to broaden our audience with your youthful rock and roll music. 现在我希望用你们的摇滚乐增加一些观众
You think you have an audience, that's funny. 你居然认为你有观众,真是好笑
We don't get paid? Nothing? 我们拿不到工钱吗?什么都没有?
Not even a sandwich? 三明治都没有?
It's almost dinner time. 都快晚饭时间了
You in the mood for anything? 你想吃什么吗?
Yeah, we could get Thai food near your apartment and then drop in and check on the progress. 我们可以去你家附近吃泰国菜然后顺路进去看一下进度
Oh, you don't want do that, it's a construction zone.So? 你不会想去看它的,那是施工区。那又怎样?
Well, what about your fear of stray nails and butt cracks? 你对到处乱丢的钉子和屁股沟的恐惧呢?
I am terrified of stepping on a nail and falling into a butt crack. 我很害怕踩到钉子上还有掉进屁股沟里
Anyway, how about dinner? 随便吧,晚饭怎么办?
You know, if you'd like, I could call your landlord and complain. 你知道吧,如果你想要的话,我可以打电话给房东投诉这个
Thanks, but you don't have to. 谢谢,但是你没有必要
Oh, I don't mind, I'm very good at complaining. 我不介意啊,我很擅长投诉的
If it were an Olympic sport, I'd complain about what a stupid sport it is and then I'd take home the gold. 如果是奥运体育项目的话,我会投诉这个运动有多么蠢然后自己把金牌带回家
Good stuff.So, uh, what about dinner? 说得好。所以,晚上吃什么?
Is it me or are you purposely changing the subject? No. 是我想多了还是你总是在故意换话题?没有
And on the subject of subjects,is your use of the word "subject" the same or different 当说到话题这个话题时你用的"话题"这个词和我们讨论
as when we speak about the subject of a king? 国王的臣民时意义一样吗? (subject既有话题也有臣民的意思,)
I have a feeling you're still doing it. 我感觉你还是在换话题
But I find that topic irresistible, so, now, in ancient Mesopotamia, the king referred to the people as his property. 但我感觉这个话题不能抵制现在,在古美索不达米亚国王把他的臣民视为他自己的财产
I'm serious,JPL's actually developing a robot arm that could grab an asteroid before it hits us. 我是认真的喷气推进实验室已经在开发一种可以在小行星撞击地球之前抓住它的机械臂了
So their plan for saving the Earth from Armageddon is hoping a bunch of scientists can catch a ball? 所以他们把地球从世界末日拯救出来的计划就是寄希望于一群科学家来抓个球?
If we're all gonna die, why am I eating so much kale? 如果我们都要死,我还吃这么多羽衣甘蓝干什么?
You're awful quiet, everything okay? 你今天这么安静,还好吗?
I'm concerned about Amy. 我很担心Amy
She's acting a bit odd lately. 最近她表现地很奇怪
Oh. Well, j-just out of curiosity,what registers as odd to you? 我就是好奇下什么在你看来是奇怪的?
Her behavior. No, I have the feeling that she's hiding something. 她的行为。我总觉得她瞒着我一些事情
I wouldn't worry about it. 没必要这么担心
She's probably just distracted by work. 她可能只是因为工作上的事情觉得困扰罢了
Well, whatever it is, it's troubling me. 不管是什么吧,我觉得很困扰
And I can't eat, I can't sleep. 饭也吃不下,觉也睡不着
And don't even ask about the consistency of my bowel movements. 更不用说肠胃蠕动的规律性了
You heard him, guys, don't ask. 听到了吧,别多嘴瞎问
Why would she keep something from me, you know? 她为什么要对我遮遮掩掩的呢?
I shared my body with that woman. 宝宝可是把处子之身都给她了
And my Netflix password. 还有我Netflix的密码
They recommended Stella Got Her Groove Back because of her. 网站还自动推荐了当老牛碰上嫩草就是她看多了
Buddy, buddy, listen,nothing bad is going on, she just... she just didn't want you to know 兄弟,听我说没什么大不了的事情她只是...她只是不想你知道
that the work on her apartment was finished a couple weeks ago. 她公寓那里的修理工程几星期之前就完成了
I don't understand. She's enjoying living with you and she didn't want it to end early. 我不明白你的意思。她享受和你同居的时光不希望就这样早早结束了
So, she's deceiving me in order to spend more time with me. 所以她欺骗了我就是为了多和我呆在一起
Yes. Oh.Well, I feel both flattered and hurt. 是的,我真是受宠若惊又伤心欲绝啊
Like when people say I look like that skeleton from Nightmare Before Christmas. 就像别人说我长得像圣诞惊魂夜里的那个骷髅头一样
Oh my God, that's who you look like. 我的天呐,真是描绘得出神入化
Sheldon, this is not a big deal. Sheldon这没什么大不了的
It's a little white lie, everyone does it. 这是个善意的谎言,我们都说过
Not me,I'm a 100% honest in all of my relationships. 我没说过,我在我的所有关系当中都是百分百坦诚的
And how single are you right now? 所以看看你现在形单影只的可怜样儿
Eating-cake-on-the-toilet single. 一个人坐在马桶上吃蛋糕的痛
Well, I won't tolerate deception in my relationship. 我绝不能容忍情感里的欺骗
I have no choice but to confront her. 除了和她当面对质,我别无选择
Don't do that, you've got gold here. 别这么做,你现在可是把柄在手
Hang onto it until you're in trouble and then... throw it in her face.What? 好好抓住了,等到你遇到麻烦的时候就可以...打她个措手不及什么?
Why would you tell him that? 你为什么要告诉他这个?
That's terrible advice. 这个建议烂透了
So you wouldn't want to have anything on Penny? 所以你不希望抓到Penny的任何把柄咯?
Well, of course not. 当然不希望
So, if I actually know something right now...and I do... 所以,如果我现在真的知道一些内幕的话...实际上我真的知道...
you don't want me to tell you?Uh...Pfft, no. 你不希望我告诉你吗?这个嘛...当然不了
I'll take that as a "Yes." 你这态度真是一个大写的"要"啊
She's secretly been moving your collectibles into storage a little at a time and you haven't noticed. 她一直在悄悄把你的收藏品搬到仓库去一次一点点,这样你就不会注意到了
Are you kidding me? 你说真的吗?
See, I've known that for weeks, but, you know, I waited till the moment when it would cause him the most pain. 看吧,我已经知道很久了但我就等啊等啊等到对他的伤害达到最大值的时候再说
Superman's gone, my stormtrooper's gone. 超人不见了,我的暴风兵也不见了
Your Klingon word-of-the-day calendar's gone. 你的克林贡版每日一次的日历也不见了
I'd say "damn it" in Klingon,but that wasn't until next month. 我想用克林贡语骂"我去"但那个词要到下个月才会学到
It's "khoo-vakh."Khoo-vakh!She took my Where's Waldo. 来,跟我说,"窝趣"窝趣!连我的Waldo藏在哪儿都被她拿走了
Well, no, no, he's over there. 没,没,他在那儿呢
Oh, yeah, there he is. 哦,原来在这儿啊
So, what's the deal with your apartment? 你的公寓怎么样了?
Why's it taking so long? 怎么修了这么久啊?
Um, it was a drywall problem. 是干式墙出了问题
Oh, no, what happened? 不会吧,出了什么事?
Well, the drywall got wet, and you do not want wet drywall because when drywall gets wet, it's really more... 就是干式墙湿了,没人想要湿了的干式墙是不是因为干式墙湿了的时候,就变成了...
Wet wall? Or damp wall, just as bad. Mm. 湿式墙?说潮墙也行,都差不多
So why don't they just get more drywall? 那他们怎么不多买点干式墙呢?
Well, they went to get some,but the woman at the wall store said it was going on sale and they should wait 他们去买了的但是墙面专卖店的人说干式墙最近热销,所以他们要等着
because the savings... Okay, are you done? 因为库存...真是够了,你说完了吗?
Bernadette told me your apartment's ready.I was done at wet wall, but you wouldn't let it go. Bernadette告诉我你的公寓已经修好了。我说到湿式墙的时候就打算停了,但你一直抓着不放
But is Sheldon really believing all this crap? 但Sheldon真的信了这些鬼话吗?
Well, he started to question it, but then I fake sneezed on him and he ran to take a shower. 他确实开始怀疑了,但我假装对着他打了个喷嚏之后他就去洗澡了
Please don't say anything, I feel terrible about this. 你千万要帮我保密,我已经够挣扎的了
Oh, don't worry, I won't. Thanks. 别担心,我嘴很严的谢谢
"The woman at the wall store?" Let it go! "墙面专卖店的女人"?别再抓着不放了!
Are you going to confront Penny? Eventually, I guess. 你要和Penny当面对质吗?迟早是要的
Although, I am kind of curious how long she thinks she can keep hiding my stuff without me knowing.Hmm. 但我我也有点好奇,她觉得她能在我没有发现的情况下把我的东西藏多久,这个嘛
You know, perhaps instead of confronting them,we should see how far they're willing to spin their tangled webs. 与其和她们当面对质我们应该看看她们要怎么使出瞬身解数来一个谎圆一个谎
Like that Spider-Man action figure that used to be on your desk. 就像那个之前在你桌子上的蜘蛛侠手办一样
Oh, my God, I'm going blind.Hi. Food's here.Oh. Excellent. 天哪,我是瞎了吗?饭来咯噢,太棒了
I'm very hungry. 我都饿坏了
Yeah, speaking of which,what's going on with your apartment? 话说回来你的公寓怎么样了?
Oh, uh, they're still working on it.Interesting.Very interesting. 还在施工呢,有意思,真有意思啊
Yeah, we swung by her apartment on the way to the restaurant,and they're gonna be fixing it for a while. 是啊,我们去饭店的路上顺道去看了下她的公寓装修还需要一阵子
Wait, uh... you saw her apartment? I did, still a mess. 等等...你去看过她的公寓了?我去了,还是一团乱
Yeah? Leonard? W...Why are you speaking Klingon? Leonard?  嗯?我搞不懂了Penny在说谎吗?我不确定你们...为什么要说克林贡语?
Why are you speaking English? 那你为什么要说英语?
This is ridiculous. 可笑