英语听力精选进阶版 9949(在线收听

At least 60 people have been killed and many more injured in a crush after a New Year Eve fireworks display in Ivory Coast. Officials say most of the victims were aged between 13 and 18. The incident happened near a stadium in the main city Abidjan. Our international development correspondent Mark Doyle who was based in Abidjan for many years has this report.

新年除夕的璀璨烟花之后,在科特迪瓦发生的一起事故中,有至少60人丧生,还有多人受伤。官方说,大多数受害者的年龄在13至18岁之间。这次事故发生在重要城市阿比让一座体育馆附近。BBC多年驻阿比让市的国际发展通讯记者Mark Doyle发回报道。

There was a surge of people near the national football stadium where the fireworks were being let off. Men, women and many children fell. Some were crushed, others suffocated. The battered bodies of survivors were taken to several hospitals, but there are critically injured people among them. Politicians were quickly on the scene of the tragedy offering sympathy and promising to pay the medical bills of the injured. The people of Ivory Coast all want to know why the security forces failed to control the crowds.


Police in Pakistan say five teachers and two health workers have been shot dead by unidentified gunmen. A police chief in Swabi in northwest Pakistan said the staffs were attacked as they drove away from the community center where they worked. The head of the organization running the center told the BBC's News Hour its staff provided health services including vaccinations and education for women. Aleem Maqbool reports from Islamabad.

巴基斯坦警方称五名老师和两名医疗人员被身份不明的枪手射击身亡。巴基斯坦西北部斯瓦比警察局长称,当这些职员从他们工作的社区中心驾车离开时,遭遇了袭击。中心负责人告诉BBC新闻每小时,这些职员的工作是提供妇女接种疫苗和教育书籍之类的医疗服务。Aleem Maqbool从伊斯兰堡发回报道。

They just finished work for the day at community center, five teachers all women in their early 20s and two health workers. They were being driven home when gunmen pulled up alongside on a motorbike and sprayed the vehicle with bullets until all seven were dead. No group has yet said they carried out this horrific attack or given any reason why charity workers have been killed in this way. But the head of the group with which they worked suspects that because of the vaccination program the center ran. Two weeks ago, nine people involved in polio immunization in Pakistan were shot dead in different parts of the country. Militants have long denounced the vaccination drive as a western plot.


UN health workers in Pakistan say a record number of children died from measles related causes in 2012. The World Health Organization said just over 300 children died. Malnourishment of infected children contributed to the high death rate, officials said. Pakistani health authorities have started a measles inoculation program in the worst affected areas.


President Obama has urged the House of Representatives to pass without delay a deal approved by the Senate to avert steep tax rises and budget cuts. The house has reconvened for a special Holiday Session, but it's unclear when a vote might take place. The measures were due to come into effect automatically at the start of the New Year and analysts had warned that they could tip America back into recession. The BBC Washington correspondent says the tax and spending measures are only designed to avert the immediate American economic crisis and fall well short of the grand bargain on deficit reduction that President Obama wanted. World News from the BBC


Egyptian prosecutors have launched an investigation against a well-known television political satirist Bassem Youssef, accusing him of insulting President Mohammed Morsi. In one program, Bassem Youssef portrayed the President as a Pharaoh, calling him Super Morsi for the way he held onto both executive and legislative powers. The case comes amid increasing worries in Egypt about press freedoms under the new constitution which was controversially pushed through by Mr Morsi and his group the Muslim Brotherhood. Shaimaa Khalil reports.

埃及的检查官们发动了对著名的电视政治讽刺家Bassem Youssef的调查,指控他侮辱了总统莫尔西。在一次节目中,Bassem Youssef因总统统揽行政和立法大权,将总统描述成法老王,称他为超人莫尔西。人们对由总统莫尔西以及组织穆斯林兄弟会推行的颇具争议的新宪法下的新闻自由日益感到担心,这一案件正在这一大背景下发生。Shaimaa Khalil报道。

Bassem Youssef rose to fame after the January 25 uprising in 2011 which led to the toppling of the former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarack. His satirical program which started online from his own living room soon reached an audience of millions. In less than two years, Mr. Youssef has become a household name in Egyptian media. In the second season of his program Al Bernameg, Bassem Youssef has sparked more controversy than any other media personality in the country, poking fun at everyone from fellow TV presenters to well-known Muslim scholars and most recently President Mohammed Morsi himself.

约瑟夫于2011年1月25日的起义事件而名声鹊起,是他领导的推翻前埃及总统Hosni Mubarack的行动。从自己的起居室播出的在线栏目,他的讽刺节目的观众很快达到了上百万人。在不到两年的时间里,约瑟夫已成为家喻户晓的埃及媒体人物。在他的第二期Al Bernameg的栏目中,约瑟夫成为在埃及掀起最为广泛的争议的媒体人物,他在栏目中取笑了电视主持同行,到知名的穆斯林学者,到最近当选的总统莫尔西本人。

The authorities in the Iranian city of Isfahan say air pollution there has reached emergency levels. Schools have been shut and Isfahan's 1.5 million citizens have been advised to leave if it was possible. High air pollution levels are also been recorded in the Iranian capital Tehran. Some analysts say the pollution has been worsened significantly by the low quality of petrol and diesel fuel now being used in Iran as Western sanctions prevent it from importing refined fuel.


Pope Benedict has highlighted unregulated financial capitalism as a major source of tension and confrontation in the world. In his New Year message, the Pope said other threats included the growing gap between rich and poor, as well as terrorism and crime. He celebrated a mass in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome using a mobile platform to conserve his strength.BBC News.

