跟踪者Stalker 第18期:工作前的悠闲(在线收听

 A peck or a kiss?  是蜻蜓点水,还是深情一吻

A longish kiss.  是长长的一吻
He wanted it to go further,  他想更进一步
but it was late,  但很晚了
and I had to open up this morning.  我今天还要早起开店
You gonna see him again?  你们还会继续吗
No. He was nice, but there was no chemistry.  不了,他人不错,但我们之间没什么感觉
But you had fun.  可是你很开心
How'd you sleep?  睡眠怎么样
Great...no psycho dreams,  很好,不再做噩梦了
No Bob standing over the bed  不再梦到鲍勃在床边
tryingto strangle me.  想要掐死我了
Because he's in prison and he will never hurt you again.  因为他被关在牢里,永远无法伤害你了
I know.  我知道
Look. Keep dating. Keep it light.  你要继续约会,开开心心的
Have fun. Have crazy sex.  享乐,疯狂地滚床单
Crazy sex?  疯狂地滚床单吗
Yeah.Yeah.  对 ,好
Who are you having crazy sex with?  你和谁疯狂地滚床单了
Do as I say, not as I do.  照我说的做,别学我的样
Seriously, I've known you 3 years.  说真的,我认识你三年了
Unless you're keeping them all a secret...  除非你习惯把男朋友都藏起来
Hang on.  等等
How does your phone know how to do that?  这电话打得真是时候
It's freaky.  怪恐怖的
Hello.  你好
Yeah. Tell him I'll call him back.  好,跟他说我马上联系他
Thanks. I'm out.  谢谢,我得走了
It's on the house. Call me later.  请你喝,有时间打给我
I'm here all night.  我今天一晚上都在
Remember, have fun.  记住,要开心