跟踪者Stalker 第22期:警局的偶遇(在线收听

 They're just pictures.  不过几张照片而已

Fetishizing young girls.  你迷恋年轻女孩
It's not illegal  这并不违法
or a violationof my probation.  也不违反缓刑规定
I stay 100 yard saway from schools, parks, libraries.  我离所有学校,公园,图书馆都百米以外
I don't talk to anyone under 18 ever.  从不跟18岁以下的人说话
What do you know about her?  你了解她吗
Nothing.  一无所知
Seen her around.  只是见过而已
You in her neighborhood a lot?  经常去她家附近吗
It's a free country. I like to walk.  这是个自由的国度,我喜欢散步
Apparently past the houses of underage girls like Hannah.  显然你经常路过年轻女孩的家,比如汉娜
Sweet and young, cute--that's your type, right?  年轻甜美,又可爱,你就喜欢这样的
I'm better now.  我已经好多了
There is no cure for a child predator. We both know that.  恋童癖无法治疗,你也清楚
But there is treatment...  但是有疗法
Cognitive, behavioral.  思想上和行为上
I've developed coping skills  我已经学会了一些技巧
to change and curb my impulses.  能够改变和控制我的冲动
I look.  我会远观
I don't touch.  但不会亵玩
What's your shoe size?  你穿多大码的鞋
10 1/2. Why?  十号半,怎么了
We found a boot print under Hannah's window.  我们在汉娜窗户底下发现个脚印
Right now, SID techs are going through  安全识别组正在检查你的衣柜
your closets trying to find a match.  寻找相匹配的鞋子
You'd save usa lot of time...  现在认罪能给我们省不少时间
You can't rail road me. Look.  你们不能把罪都赖我头上,听着
I know I have a problem,and I am handling it  我知道我有这方面的问题,但我有在改
the best way I know how.  用我所知最好的办法治疗
Any further questions will be answered in the presence of my lawyer.  律师到场前,我不会回答任何问题
Hey, thanks for coming so quickly.  谢谢你这么快赶来
Yeah. I got your message,and I got the warrant  我收到你的信息,我带来了
granting you access to Barnes' hard drive.  能让你们检查巴恩斯硬盘的搜查令
Great.Oh, sorry.  太好了,抱歉
This is Jack Larson.He's new to the team.  这位是杰克·拉森,新来的
Deputy D.A.Amanda Taylor.  这位是副检察官阿曼达·泰勒
Nice to meet you.  幸会
I'll call Barnes' P.O.,get him   我会打给巴恩斯的缓刑监督官
to sign off on a probation hold.  让他签署延期缓刑拘留令
Good. That'll give you24 hours to find something solid.  好的,这样就有24小时寻找可靠证据了 
Great.  太好了
This is awkward.  这下尴尬了
I didn't realize you worked TAU cases.  我不知道你会负责威胁评估部门的案件
Amanda...  阿曼达
Amanda.  阿曼达
Amanda,hold on a second.  阿曼达,等等
You are something else.You know that?  你可真是阴魂不散,知道吗
Listen. The whole reason I lobbied for TAU  听我说,我来威胁评估部门
was because I thought you worked robbery homicide.  是因为我以为你负责抢劫凶杀案
That's where you're listed in the D.A.'s office.  你在检察官办公室登记的职责不就是这个吗
A Beatrice somebody handles TAU.  碧翠丝什么的负责威胁评估部门
She's on maternity leave.I'm covering for her.  她在休产假,所以我替她来
Look. I don't want this to be weird.  我不希望搞得很奇怪
It's not weird.It's despicable.  不是奇怪,是卑鄙
Let's just talk for a sec,work this out.  我们谈谈好吗,把这事解决
Do you mind?  可以关门了吗